Weekly Schedule
Monday - Color Guard 4-6 Tuesday - ACT Day - No rehearsal Wednesday - Off. Jones Valley Elementary performance - leadership team - 7:15 am! Thursday - Wind Ensemble 4:00 - 5:30 pm Friday - Off. BAND CONTRACTS DUE REMINDER: PLEASE SETTLE UP YOUR BAND FEES. NEXT WEEK, WE TURN IN A ROSTER TO THE SCHOOL OF THOSE WHO HAVEN'T PAID. 2023-24 Trip We have a major announcement to share at the booster meeting on Monday, April 4th . It is regarding an acceptance and invitation to a special event in 2023-24. Band Booster Meeting and Orlando Trip Meeting We will have a full band booster meeting on Monday, April 4th at 6:00 pm in the band room. The second part of this meeting will be regarding information for our Orlando trip. Information on medication and medication collection will be sent out this coming week. We will plan to collect medication at the meeting on April 4th. Audition Music Concert Ensemble Auditions for Fall 2022 will take place the week of May 2nd during class. Upcoming 9th graders will be after school (Monday - Woodwinds, Tuesday - Brass, Thursday - Percussion) The music can be accessed here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nH0VcLiY6zHPC0IiN9R1tGQehIeq7vDP?usp=sharing Orlando Information Trip Meeting for parents/students during our booster meeting on Monday, April 4th at 6:00 pm in the Band room. We will have chaperone assignments and itineraries this night in addition to other details! Medication information was sent out in a separate email this week. You can turn in medication at the meeting (starting at 5:30 pm) or to the school nurse during regular school hours. EXTRA REHEARSAL: We will have a rehearsal on Wednesday, April 13th from 4:00 - 5:00 pm for everyone going to Orlando. This is a parade rehearsal and will be outside. All students going (even those that weren't in marching band) we are planning to march the parade. Students that do not have a uniform will be fitted in the coming weeks by Mrs. Eversole and Mrs. Jackson. Marching Uniform: You will need your FULL marching uniform for the Disney Trip. Disney has a strict policy to make sure everyone is uniform (including shoes, socks, gloves, etc). Please make sure you track these down! Drum Major Auditions for 22-23 Because of the amount of things going on right now, we are moving drum major auditions to Thursday, May 12th. If you want to audition it is highly recommended that you attend the drum major audition clinics held by our current drum majors. Please see Zacc or Jillian for information Jones Valley Elementary Performance We are taking a small pep band (mostly leadership team) for a performance at Jones Valley Elementary on Wednesday, March 30th. We will meet at 7:15 am at JVES and perform from 7:30 am to 8:00 am. After the performance we will head to school to B1 class and should be on time or very close. Upcoming Wind Ensemble rehearsals Thursday, March 31th (no rehearsal on the 29th due to ACT) Tuesday, April 5th (no rehearsal the 7th due to all state) Thursday, April 14th (marching band Orlando rehearsal on the 13th) Tuesday, April 26th Upcoming Schedule Monday, April 4th Booster and Orlando Trip Meeting - 6:00 pm Band Room April 7-9 - All State Band in Mobile for those going Wednesday, April 13th 4-5 pm Orlando Rehearsal!! April 20-25 - Orlando Trip!! Thursday, April 28 - Spring Concert - 7:00 pm Auditorium Thursday, May 5 - Percussion Ensemble / Chamber Concert - 7:00 pm Auditorium Friday, May 13th - Band Banquet - Information Forthcoming. Upcoming Winter Guard / Color Guard Schedule Week of March 24- Color Guard recruitment trips to Middle Schools Saturday, April 1- SCGC Championships at Spring Valley HS, Columbia, TN Week of May 2- Color Guard Auditions for 2022 Time- TBA SUMMER 2022 SCHEDULE Guard and Percussion may practice after school during Finals week! Tuesday, May 31st - Friday, June 3rd - 8:00 am -12:00 pm Rookie Camp for new marchers and leadership. Percussion and Guard Camp #1 - Tuesday, May 31st - Friday, June 3. Times TBA. Thursday, July 7 - Saturday, July 9th - Leadership training seminar with Mr. Lambert, Mr. Denton, and Mr. Horten for leadership team. Thursday, July 13 - Friday, July 15th - Make up Rookie Camp for new marchers and limited leadership team. Percussion and Guard Camp #2 - Thursday, July 13 - Friday, July 15th Times TBA. Band Camp starts July 18th and runs to the first day of school (Tuesday, August 2nd). Do not plan any vacations or major conflicts starting July 18th if you plan to participate in marching band. The football band option will no longer be offered starting this coming school year - students must choose between marching band and concert only.
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