Things we likeMarching Uniforms
Marching uniforms will not be collected until sometime mid January. Even if you are not going to London, please hold on to your uniform. More information will be given as the time to turn them in gets closer.
Uniform for London
It is highly encouraged that you have your uniform dry cleaned before going to London. Packing a clean uniform is going to be much nicer than packing a stinky one in with your clean clothes. And we all want to be looking top notch for the parade!
Schedule for the week
Monday-Christmas Concert Rehearsal (Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band) 4-5:30 pm
Tuesday-Wind Ensemble 4:00-5:30 Wednesday-Off Thursday-London parade rehearsal 4-5:30 (we will go to 5:30 today and next Thursday) Friday-Off. Deadline to sign up for all state / district honor band auditions. Christmas Concert - Tuesday, December 5 Combined Concert with Band and Choir. Concert starts at 7:00 pm Students should arrive at 6:15 with warm up around 6:30 pm. Dress is formal concert tux/dress with Christmas decorations/accessories encouraged. Holiday bow tie, Santa Hat, antlers, etc. as long as it doesn't affect how you perform. Silent Auction will start before the concert and go through intermission. All State / District Honor Band Auditions Registration - Due by Friday, December 1st (optional) When: All State Auditions are Friday, January 26 and Saturday, January 27th at Huntsville High School! Generally all high school students audition Friday evening except for Flutes and Bb Clarinets. Cost: $30 per student. You can choose your method of payment, but clearly label it as all state audition for your student. If you are using a credit, you must inform Mrs. Tapia by the deadline! If you audition, you must be able to attend district honor band (February 16-17 at Grissom HS) and/or All State Festival (April 25-27 at the VBC) in it's entirety (every rehearsal + the concert) if you were to be selected. Everyone auditioning must own a copy of the book from which the audition music comes from (this is a copyright issue and a state rule). Please let us know if you need help with this! Audition music has already been shared with all students. Deadline is Friday, December 1st. London Instrument/Equipment Shipping - Important There are many details that go into the shipping process. We provided a manifest to the shipping company with every piece of equipment we are taking (weight, dimensions, value, serial number) - this is due to the shipping company Wednesday, November 15th and no changes are possible after that date. We outline who's exact instrument, equipment, or shako is in each shipping container. We believe that alto saxophones and trumpets should be able to be shipped with our other large equipment instead of being taken as carry-on luggage!! This is good news and should make your airport travel easier. Clarinets, flutes, and majorette baton will still take instruments in checked luggage If there are any changes to what was submitted to the instrument form, I need to know BEFORE Wednesday, November 15th. All equipment will be shipped the week of December 11-15 and will return by January 15th. What can I do to help? Please make sure instruments being shipped is labeled with your full name on the outside (instrument tag or just get a piece of tape and write it with a sharpie). Also - please put a peice of tape and write your name on your SHAKO BOX! Take extra things out of your case and make sure it's secure for shipping before you turn the instrument into the band room to ship! We will be giving further instructions on dropping off equipment in the band room as we get closer to the week of December 11-15. Please adhere to our deadlines! We will have very little wiggle room! Summer Schedule 2024 April 29-May 3 Color Guard Auditions 4-6 pm. May 10-11 - Marching Percussion Auditions - Fri - 4-8, Saturday 8:30-12:30 (required for all percussion in marching band). May 28-31 (Tuesday - Friday) Rookie Camp 8 -12 (required for new members and leadership team), Color Guard Camp. June 30 - July 2 - Leadership Camp. Sunday, June 30th will be afternoon/evening. July 1st and 2nd - all day. (leadership team only) July 10-12 Make up Rookie Camp 8-12. Marching Percussion Camp 12-4. (required for percussion in marching band) July 15 - 19 Band Camp Week #1. All Day. (required for all marching band students) July 22-26 Band Camp Week #2. All day (required for all marching band students). Band Camp on July 26th will dismiss at noon. Juily 29-31 Additional rehearsals 6-9 pm. July 26 - optional trip to DCI in Murfreesboro for additional cost. Winter Guard Schedule 23-24 Our color guard is transitioning into their winter guard season and working on their production called "Bluebird." Winter Guard Show Camp December 15-16th Friday 1:30 - 5:00 pm Saturday 9-5 (bring lunch). Huntsville Junior High School Gym Rehearsal Schedule Tuesdays from 4-6 pm and Fridays before competitions from 4-5 pm. Exception - Friday, January 26th 4-6 Small Gym Competition Schedule February 3 - Mortimer Jordan (Birmingham Metro) - carpool February 10 - Green Hills High School (Nashville Metro) -school bus February 17 - Bob Jones (Madison, Al) - carpool March 9 - Columbia Central (Columba, Tn) - carpool April 6 - SCGC Championships (Bowling Green, Kentucky)-school bus Upcoming Events Tuesday, December 5 - Christmas Concert (combined with Choir!) Monday, December 11 - Friday, December 15th - Large instruments and equipment being shipped to London Friday, December 15-Saturday, December 16 - Winter Guard Camp at HJHS Gym Wednesday, Dec 27 - Thurs, Jan 4 - London Trip! Friday, January 26 and Saturday, January 27 - hosting All State Auditions February 1-3 Winter Camp (all Symphonic and Wind Ensemble students required to attend) HHS Band would like to thank our generous sponsors:
Things we likeBoth the Symphonic Band and the Wind Ensemble played an awesome Fall concert on Tuesday night! Such great talent was on full display. It was a great week which included the Bandies and was capped off with the Veterans Day Parade on Saturday. Marching UniformsMarching uniforms will not be collected until sometime mid January. Even if you are not going to London, please hold on to your uniform. More information will be given as the time to turn them in gets closer. Food for thought on the uniform for LondonIt is highly encouraged that you have your uniform dry cleaned before going to London. Packing a clean uniform is going to be much nicer than packing a stinky one in with your clean clothes. And we all want to be looking top notch for the parade! Schedule for the weekMonday-Christmas Concert Rehearsal (Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band) 4-5:30 pm Tuesday- Wind Ensemble 4:00-5:30 Wednesday-Off Thursday-London parade rehearsal 4-5. LONDON MEETING 6:00 pm - Bandroom! Friday-Off. London Instrument/Equipment Shipping - Important There are many details that go into the shipping process. We provided a manifest to the shipping company with every piece of equipment we are taking (weight, dimensions, value, serial number) - this is due to the shipping company Wednesday, November 15th and no changes are possible after that date. We outline who's exact instrument, equipment, or shako is in each shipping container. We believe that alto saxophones and trumpets should be able to be shipped with our other large equipment instead of being taken as carry-on luggage!! This is good news and should make your airport travel easier. Clarinets, flutes, and majorette baton will still take instruments in checked luggage. If there are any changes to what was submitted to the instrument form, I need to know BEFORE Wednesday, November 15th. All equipment will be shipped the week of December 11-15 and will return by January 15th. What can I do to help? Please make sure instruments being shipped is labeled with your full name on the outside (instrument tag or just get a piece of tape and write it with a sharpie). Also - please put a piece of tape and write your name on your SHAKO BOX! Take extra things out of your case and make sure it's secure for shipping before you turn the instrument into the band room to ship! We will be giving further instructions on dropping off equipment in the band room as we get closer to the week of December 11-15. Please adhere to our deadlines! We will have very little wiggle room! All State / District Honor Band Auditions Registration - Due by Friday, December 1st (optional) When: All State Auditions are Friday, January 26 and Saturday, January 27th at Huntsville High School! Generally all high school students audition Friday evening except for Flutes and Bb Clarinets. Cost: $30 per student. You can choose your method of payment, but clearly label it as all state audition for your student. Checks should be made out to HHBPA. If you are using a credit, you must inform Mrs. Tapia by the deadline! If you audition, you must be able to attend district honor band (February 16-17 at Grissom HS) and/or All State Festival (April 25-27 at the VBC) in it's entirety (every rehearsal + the concert) if you were to be selected. Everyone auditioning must own a copy of the book from which the audition music comes from (this is a copyright issue and a state rule). Please let us know if you need help with this! Audition music has already been shared with all students. Deadline is Friday, December 1st. Winter Guard Schedule 23-24 Our color guard is transitioning into their winter guard season and working on their production called "Bluebird." Winter Guard Show Camp December 15-16th Friday 1:30 - 5:00 pm Saturday 9-5 (bring lunch). Huntsville Junior High School Gym Rehearsal Schedule Tuesday, January 9th - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym (basketball away @Albertville) Tuesday, January 16th - 4:00-6:00 pm FA Cafeteria Friday, January 26th - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym (basketball away @Grissom) Tuesday, January 30th - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym (basketball away @Sparkman) Friday, February 2 - Run through for competition and pack/load 4-5 Tuesday, February 6 - 4:00-6:00 pm FA Cafeteria Friday, February 9 - Run through for competition and pack/load 4-5 Tuesday, February 13 - 4:00-6:00 pm Location TBA (Cafeteria/Gym) Friday, February 16 - Run through for competition and pack/load 4-5 Tuesday, February 20 - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym Tuesday, February 27 - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym Tuesday, March 5 - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym Friday, March 8 - Run through for competition and pack/load 4-5 Tuesday, March 19 - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym Tuesday, March 26 - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym Tuesday, April 1 - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym Friday, April 5 - Run through for competition and pack/load 4-5 Competition Schedule February 3 - Mortimer Jordan (Birmingham Metro) - carpool February 10 - Green Hills High School (Nashville Metro) -school bus February 17 - Bob Jones (Madison, Al) - carpool March 9 - Columbia Central (Columba, Tn) - carpool April 6 - SCGC Championships (Bowling Green, Kentucky)-school bus Upcoming Events Tuesday, December 5 - Christmas Concert (combined with Choir!) Monday, December 11 - Friday, December 15th - Large instruments and equipment being shipped to London Friday, December 15-Saturday, December 16 - Winter Guard Camp at HJHS Gym Wednesday, Dec 27 - Wed, Jan 4 - London Trip! Friday, January 26 and Saturday, January 27 - hosting All State Auditions February 1-3 Winter Camp (all Symphonic and Wind Ensemble students required to attend) Thank you to our Sponsors:Things we likeA special ending to a spectacular season! What a great ride it has been for these seniors. Thank you for your commitment to the Huntsville High School Marching Panther Band! Schedule for the weekMonday- Symphonic Band 4-5:30 pm Tuesday- Fall Concert - 7:00 pm Auditorium Wednesday- Off Thursday- Off. Leadership performing in the morning at HCES. Halloween and Bandies after school until 5:30 pm. Friday - Veteran's Day (observed). No School Saturday - Veteran's Day Parade - Downtown Huntsville. See schedule Thursday, November 9th - Hampton Cove Elementary On Thursday, November 9, our leadership team will perform for the Hampton Cove Elementary Veteran's Day Parade in the morning. We will meet at Hampton Cove Elementary at 8:30 am and should be done around 9:30. Please plan to carpool. You will miss band class only this day. Fall Concert - Tuesday, November 7th Students should arrive dressed at 6:15 pm. Warm up starts at 6:30 pm 7:00 pm - Concert Begins in the Auditorium. Wear your tuxedo/concert dress with black shoes (long black socks for tuxes) Tuxes should make sure you have your tuxedo shirt, cummerbund, and bowtie! Pull hair back out of your face. The concert is free and open to the public! Veteran's Day Parade - Saturday, November 11th Required for all marching band members! ParkingBe aware parking can be an issue in downtown for the parade. You may have to walk a little bit to get to our meeting location. Carpooling is encouraged. Schedule 10:15 AM - Meet in the parking lot across from the Clinton Ave post office (near the VBC). We will be on the north side of that lot (close to the intersection of Woodson and Holmes Ave.). Warm up and prepare for the parade. 11:11 AM - Parade Steps off. We will be #137 in the Green Row. At the conclusion of the parade route, we will load any equipment needed on the truck. The truck will move to furniture factory area during the parade. They will have an assigned area for the truck to go. We will dismiss from this point. Students have 3 options after we dismiss:
Winter Guard Schedule 23-24 Our color guard is transitioning into their winter guard season and working on their production called "Bluebird." Winter Guard Show Camp December 15-16th Friday 1:30 - 5:00 pm Saturday 9-5 (bring lunch). Huntsville Junior High School Gym Rehearsal Schedule Tuesday, January 9th - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym (basketball away @Albertville) Tuesday, January 16th - 4:00-6:00 pm FA Cafeteria Friday, January 26th - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym (basketball away @Grissom) Tuesday, January 30th - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym (basketball away @Sparkman) Friday, February 2 - Run through for competition and pack/load 4-5 Tuesday, February 6 - 4:00-6:00 pm FA Cafeteria Friday, February 9 - Run through for competition and pack/load 4-5 Tuesday, February 13 - 4:00-6:00 pm Location TBA (Cafeteria/Gym) Friday, February 16 - Run through for competition and pack/load 4-5 Tuesday, February 20 - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym Tuesday, February 27 - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym Tuesday, March 5 - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym Friday, March 8 - Run through for competition and pack/load 4-5 Tuesday, March 19 - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym Tuesday, March 26 - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym Tuesday, April 1 - 4:00-6:00 pm Small Gym Friday, April 5 - Run through for competition and pack/load 4-5 Competition Schedule February 3 - Mortimer Jordan (Birmingham Metro) - carpool February 10 - Green Hills High School (Nashville Metro) -school bus February 17 - Bob Jones (Madison, Al) - carpool March 9 - Columbia Central (Columba, Tn) - carpool April 6 - SCGC Championships (Bowling Green, Kentucky)-school bus Schedule Changes for November and December / London Parade Because we are combining bands (and the choir joining us) for the Winter Concert and because we are adding parade rehearsals for London, we are editing the November and early December schedule. Thank you for understanding as we navigate our London trip and the wind ensemble's CBDNA performance in Memphis on March 1st. Week of November 13-17 Monday - All band students (no color guard) - Winter Concert rehearsal 4:00-5:30 Tuesday - Wind Ensemble - CBDNA rehearsal 4:00 - 5:30 Thursday - London parade rehearsal 4-5 pm (London students only). London meeting at 6! Week of November 20-24 - Thanksgiving Break Week of November 27 - Dec 1 Monday - All band students (no color guard) - Winter Concert Rehearsal 4:00 - 5:30 Tuesday - Wind Ensemble CBDNA rehearsal 4:00 - 5:30 Thursday - London Parade rehearsal 4-5 pm (London students only) Week of December 4 - 8 Monday - All band students (no color guard) - rehearsal for Winter Concert with choir 4:00 - 5:30 pm Tuesday - Winter Concert with Choir Thursday - London parade rehearsal 4:00 - 5:00 (London students only) Week of Dec 11-15 - No rehearsals. Large instruments being shipped to London this week. Upcoming Events Thursday, November 16th - London Meeting at 6:00 pm Tuesday, December 5 - Christmas Concert (combined with Choir!) Monday, December 11 - Friday, December 15th - Large instruments and equipment being shipped to London London Connection! London emails are now being sent through a separate email/newsletter. If you are going and not receiving these, please let us know. HHS Band would like to thank our wonderful sponsors: |
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