Things We LikeWow at the rain and wow at how much fun we still had! Schedule for the WEEKMonday - Symphonic Band 4:00 - 5:30 pm Tuesday - Wind Ensemble 4:00 - 5:30 pm Wednesday: Off. Thursday: Wind Ensemble 4:00 - 5:30 pm Friday: Off Bed Sheet Fundraiser continues this week!! Deadline approaching on Tuesday, November 9th. From [email protected] & [email protected]SPRING TRIP!!! On Friday, we have received approval to move forward with a SPRING TRIP. We are planning on a Disney/Universal trip to Orlando with potential parade performance and Disney movie performance workshop. The dates for the trip would be April 20-24 and the approximate cost is $1200. The dates have been looked at closely. This date avoids as many things as possible (although it's inevitable there may be conflicts). We avoided conflicts with Easter weekend, major testing within the school, prom, the musical, and all state band. Band trips are open to ALL students in the band program, which includes anyone in a band class including Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Color Guard, or Percussion. We are working with the travel company to get some final information to you and get this going. We are a little behind in the process (we would usually be moving on this in August and September!), so there may be a quick turn around for a deposit for this trip. Thank you for those who have filled out the survey, if you haven't please do so today! For those interested, there have been 82 responses. 62 students are committed to going, 11 students are not sure, and 8 students are not planning to attend. DISNEY-UNIVERSAL TRIP INTEREST SURVEY Fall Concert Our Fall Concert is next Tuesday, November 9th at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium and will feature our Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band! The concert is free and open to the public! The concert also serves as the deadline for our Bedsheet Fundraiser and the last band booster fee payment (remaining balance) is due on this date. Call time is 6:15 pm for students and warm ups are at 6:30 pm. Students should wear their concert dress or tuxedo that they have recently been fitted for during classes. If any alterations need to be done, please do them this week! We are asking for color guard member volunteers to help pass out programs. Veteran's Day Parade and Group Picture The Huntsville Veteran's Day Parade is next Thursday, November 11th. There is no school this day. The tentative schedule is to meet at HHS for a group photo on the stairs then carpool/drive to the parade start point which is the large parking lot across the street from the post office on Clinton Avenue. The tentative plan is to meet at 10:00 am at that location. The parade starts at 11:11 am. We have not received our parade number for the parade. We should be done by 1:00 pm but possibly earlier. Full and final schedule in next week's newsletter. Upcoming Schedule Our Winter Christmas Concert is Tuesday, December 7th. Wind Ensemble After School Schedule Wind Ensemble rehearsals are generally Tuesday and Thursday 4:00-5:30 pm and will begin after our last regular season football game. Be prepared for the following schedule for the rest of the semester: Tuesday, November 2 - 4:00 - 5:30 pm Thursday, November 4 - 4:00 - 5:30 pm Tuesday, November 9 - FALL CONCERT (Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band) Thursday, November 11th - Veteran's Day Parade (Marching Band) Tuesday, November 16th - 4:00 - 5:30 pm Thursday, November 18th - 4:00 - 5:30 pm Tuesday, November 30th - 4:00 - 5:30 pm Thursday, December 2nd - 4:00 - 5:30 pm Tuesday, December 7th - WINTER CONCERT! No after school rehearsals after December 7th until January. Simply Sheets Fundraiser UpdateThank you for participating in our annual Simply Sheets fundraiser! This year we are selling sheet sets, pillowcases, satin pillowcases, and pillows. Your packet includes a company and product overview, an order form, and a swatch of material. Please make additional copies of your order form or print extras from the website. The following information should answer any questions you may have. You can start taking orders from local friends, family, and neighbors by completing the enclosed order form, and collecting cash/check/venmo payment made out to HHS Band. Please attach each payment to its supporting order form. If paying by venmo, sheets fundraiser and band student’s name must be noted with the payment and order form still needs to be turned in. Venmo @HuntsvilleHS-BandParentAssoc. Have all order forms and payments turned in to the band box by November 9, 2021. Your out-of-town friends and family can support you and the band too! Just have them order from Simply Sheets (, and at checkout they will be asked for our organization name (Huntsville High School Band) or our id# (SS001181) and the band students name they are supporting. The cost of the online orders are slightly higher than the traditional orders to cover the cost of shipping but will be delivered directly them. Traditional orders will be delivered around the first week of December. We will set up a pickup time at a later date. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Allport @ 256-503-7345 or Johnnie Bradt @ 256-468-2724. VBC Fundraising - Here's A Primer!Here's. your chance to earn $$ to Disney right away!
Sign up for your shift. Questions: Contact Ben Boles [email protected] and we will get your questions answered. We need 8 paid volunteers for each event. Prepare to have a great time and earn a lot of money for your CHARMS account! Riley Green Concert 11/4/21 Havoc Hockey 11/5/21 Margarita Ball 11/13/21
Things We LikeThe HHS Band is well represented at the University of Alabama's TROMBONE DAY! With Master Class instruction from Dr. Jon Whitaker, University of Alabama & Barry Hearn, Principal Trombone from the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, our students performed in the Moody Music Building Sunday evening. Pictured left to right is Tucker Lambert (9th), Jillian Boles (11th), Dr. Jon Whitaker, Keiran Eversole (12th) and Savannah Flores (9th). Schedule for the Week October 25-29, 2021Weekly Schedule Monday - Symphonic Band 4:00 - 5:30 pm Tuesday - Competition Marching Band 4-5 pm Wednesday: Off. Uniform Committee Meeting Thursday: Off (Hampton Cove Halloween Concert is at 6:00 pm at HCMS. Mrs. Parker is asking for some high school students to judge costumes!) Friday: Game @ Decatur B Day classes will now be inside - feel free to take your clothes home! Friday Game Day Information Schedule 3:40 - School ends. Go eat dinner or bring dinner to the band room. 5:00 - Be back at School. Traveling in Uniform on school buses. 5:15 pm - Depart on school buses for Decatur High School. 6:00 pm - Arrive at Decatur High School Stadium 6:20 pm - Warm ups 6:40 pm - Enter Stadium 7:00 pm - Game Starts Halftime performance (we perform first to HOME side) ~9:45 pm - Game ends 11:00 pm - Approximate Return to HHS (will send REMIND) Location: Decatur High School Uniform FULL MARCHING UNIFORM! Make sure you have your shako (hat), longer black socks, marching shoes, and gloves. Front ensemble is wearing your halftime uniform. Dinner Information On your own prior to the game. No food in the stands Transportation School buses Other information Bring your full water jug to the game. Even in the colder weather, you need to hydrate. BREAKING NEWS! HHS DISNEY TRIP POSSIBILITYPOSSIBLE SPRING TRIP!!! We are waiting on final approval for a band spring trip for the first time in a couple of years!! We are planning on a Disney/Universal trip to Orlando with potential parade performance and Disney movie performance workshop. The dates for the trip would be April 20-24 and the approximate cost is $1200. Band trips are open to ALL students in the band program, which includes anyone in a band class including Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Color Guard, or Percussion. Since we are still waiting final approval we can't move forward yet, but we are hoping that comes very soon. We would not be sending this information out unless we were somewhat confident that this will move forward. Mr. King is on board and is pushing that this gets approved. To help our planning purposes, please fill out the following survey (please fill out one per student). You should also be able to view a sample itinerary and some COVID information that may be helpful. DISNEY-UNIVERSAL TRIP INTEREST SURVEY VON BRAUN CENTER FUNDRAISING IS BAAAAACK!!!! $$One of the great benefits of the HHS Band is the ability to work off Band Fees. You can do this by working at the Von Braun Center during events. Much more information will be coming out about this in the upcoming days, but for those who are trained, here are two dates coming up where you can earn money for your Band account. You will earn $8.25/hour worked and of that $6/hour goes to your student's CHARMS account. The remainder ($2.25/hour) goes to the Band General Fund. Historically, we have had many students never pay band fees because of their work in concession stands or parents wrist banding (checking ID cards before alcohol purchases). This is a great program. If you are new, we will arrange training soon. If you are a returning parent, please follow the links below. Again, more will be released on this topic next week. Here are the current VBC signups for TRAINED wristbanders and also for concession volunteers. **It will need to be noted that only those who have been trained can volunteer for wristbanding, however there is also a concession sign up that can be any volunteer 16yr or older parent or student** From [email protected] & [email protected]Wind Ensemble After School Schedule Wind Ensemble rehearsals are generally Tuesday and Thursday 4:00-5:30 pm and will begin after our last regular season football game. Be prepared for the following schedule for the rest of the semester: Tuesday, November 2 - 4:00 - 5:30 pm Thursday, November 4 - 4:00 - 5:30 pm Tuesday, November 9 - FALL CONCERT (Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band) Thursday, November 11th - Veteran's Day Parade (Marching Band) Tuesday, November 16th - 4:00 - 5:30 pm Thursday, November 18th - 4:00 - 5:30 pm Tuesday, November 30th - 4:00 - 5:30 pm Thursday, December 2nd - 4:00 - 5:30 pm Tuesday, December 7th - WINTER CONCERT! No after school rehearsals after December 7th until January. Concert Band Uniforms All of our students in Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band will be fitted for a concert band tuxedo or dress that we wear for most of our concerts. The uniform committee has fitted most students, but still has 25 or so to go! This will happen during class time. You need to be prepared to wear your concert uniform at the Fall Concert on Tuesday, November 9th. Upcoming Schedule We planning to participate in the Veteran's Day Parade on November 11th. Plan for a 9:30 am - 1:00 pm range of time for this event (we may also do a group photo). There is no school this day. Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band after school rehearsals begin soon. Symphonic Band typically rehearses Mondays from 4:00 - 5:30 pm and will start next week. Wind Ensemble rehearsals are generally Tuesday and Thursday 4:00-5:30 pm and will begin after our last regular season football game. More details coming soon! Our Fall Concert is coming up on Tuesday, November 9th at 7:00 pm in the HHS Auditorium. Our Winter Christmas Concert Things We LikeThank you to the Band Parents who made the trek to "The Shoals" this weekend to cheer on the Crimson Panther Marching Band! We travelled in style and represented the school and our families very well. Please enjoy the show in full glory! It's just fantastic! Getting high scores in all categories was icing on the cake! Thanks to all for your support. Schedule for the week of October 18-22Weekly Schedule Monday - Off Tuesday - Off. Bed Sheet fundraiser KICK OFF! Wednesday: Off Thursday: Competition Band Rehearsal 4:00-5:00 pm Friday: Game @ Sparkman B Day classes will now be inside - feel free to take your clothes home! Friday Game Day Information Schedule 3:40 - School ends. Go eat dinner or bring dinner to the band room. 5:00 - Be back at School. Traveling in Uniform on school buses. 5:30 pm - Depart on school buses from Sparkman High School. 5:50 pm - Arrive at Sparkman 6:20 pm - Warm ups 6:40 pm - Enter Stadium 7:00 pm - Game Starts Halftime performance (we perform first to HOME side) ~9:45 pm - Game ends 10:45 pm - Approximate Return to HHS (will send REMIND) Location: Sparkman High School Uniform FULL MARCHING UNIFORM! Make sure you have your shako (hat), longer black socks, marching shoes, and gloves. Front ensemble is wearing your halftime uniform. Dinner Information On your own prior to the game. No food in the stands Transportation School buses Other information Bring your full water jug to the game. Even in the colder weather, you need to hydrate. Concert Band Uniforms Beginning this week, all of our students in Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band will be fitted for a concert band tuxedo or dress that we wear for most of our concerts. This will happen during class time. FUNDRAISER ALERT! VERY POPULAR OPTION!Thank you for participating in our annual Simply Sheets fundraiser! This year we are selling sheet sets, pillowcases, satin pillowcases, and pillows. Students will be given a sale's packet in class on Tuesday that includes a company and product overview, an order form, and a swatch of material, as well as additional instructions. In addition to selling to local friends and family via our hard copy order form, you are welcome to sell sheets via the Simply Sheets website as well. Cash, checks, and/or venmo payments are due in by November 9. Orders will be delivered around first or second week of December. From [email protected] & [email protected]Concert Band Uniforms
Beginning this week, all of our students in Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band will be fitted for a concert band tuxedo or dress that we wear for most of our concerts. This will happen during class time. Upcoming Schedule We will rehearse TUESDAY, October 26th from 4-5 for our Thursday, October 28th game at Decatur. We also are still planning to participate in the Veteran's Day Parade on November 11th. Plan for a 9:30 am - 1:00 pm range of time for this event (we may also do a group photo). There is no school this day. Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band after school rehearsals begin soon. Symphonic Band typically rehearses Mondays from 4:00 - 5:30 pm and will start next week. Wind Ensemble rehearsals are generally Tuesday and Thursday 4:00-5:30 pm and will begin after our last regular season football game. More details coming soon! Our Fall Concert is coming up on Tuesday, November 9th at 7:00 pm in the HHS Auditorium. Schedule for the Week - Monday-SaturdayWeekly Schedule B day marching classes should be prepared to go outside during class. Monday - Marching Percussion Sectional 4-5:30. Tuesday - Competition Band Rehearsal 4:00-5:45. Color Guard Sectional 6-7 Wednesday: Off Thursday: Testing for 10th and 11th graders (probably inside today during classes). Competition Band Rehearsal 4:00-5:45. Football Band Rehearsal 4-4:45. Friday: Game vs. Florence - Senior Night!! Saturday: Competition at Muscle Shoals HS Friday and Saturday Specifics!Friday Game Day Schedule 5:30 pm - Meet at Milton Frank Stadium 5:45 pm - Sections 6:10 pm - Full Band Warm up 6:30 - Line up for pregame 7:00 pm Game Starts Halftime performance (we perform 2nd) to the home press box. We will be done a small snippet of our show followed by Senior Recognitions ~9:30 pm - Game ends Pack and load truck for competition after game. Location: Milton Frank Stadium Uniform FULL MARCHING UNIFORM! Make sure you have your shako (hat), longer black socks, marching shoes, and gloves. Front ensemble is wearing your halftime uniform. Dinner Information On your own prior to the game. No food in the stands Transportation On your own - meeting at Milton Frank. Other information Bring your full water jug to the game. Competition Information -Saturday, October 16th Schedule (schedule is tentative because the final schedule has not been sent from the host - no major changes expected, but there may be small tweaks) 12:00 pm Band Room Opens 12:30 - 1:30 pm Rehearsal 2:30 pm Depart via 2 charter buses (color guard should have hair and makeup done by the time they get off the bus in Muscle Shoals) 4:15 pm Arrive at Muscle Shoals Stadium and unload. Once we unload students will be able to eat dinner at the concessions and watch other bands - Bring $$$. 5:00 pm - Dress in uniform for performance (including color guard - hair and makeup should already be done!!) - there will be dressing rooms available. Equipment ready to go by 6:20 pm 6:30 pm - Move to warm up 6:40 pm - Warm up block 7:40 pm - Performance AWARDS - 10:00 pm (all students are expected to stay for awards and sit with the band) Approximate arrival at HHS - 12:30 am After we perform we will change back into regular (HHS Band apparel encouraged) clothes and watch other bands before the awards ceremony. Those participating in the awards ceremony will need to be in uniform and in the stadium by 9:30 pm. Immediately after the awards ceremony we will return to HHS. Location: Muscle Shoals High School. 1900 Avalon Avenue, Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Spectator information Competitions are open to the public and we always love to have a huge fan group in the stands! This serves as a major fundraiser for the Muscle Shoals High School Band: General admission tickets for family and friends are $10 and can be purchased at the gate. Children 6 and under are free. Chaperones who travel with the band or trucks get in free. We have limited spots available. Concessions are available throughout the day. Although this is a competition, we are always super supportive of the other bands there. We ask that anyone that attends to be a great audience for our band, but also the other students performing. There are quite a few bands coming! If you plan to check out your students after awards, please do so at the charter buses. It can be pretty chaotic after awards in the stadium. This is to ensure we have accountability for all students. Uniform FULL MARCHING UNIFORM! Make sure you have your shako (hat), longer black socks, marching shoes, and gloves. Front ensemble is wearing their halftime show uniform. Wear your dry fit shirt underneath your uniform. Food Information Eat lunch before you arrive. Bring Money for dinner at concessions. Students will have over an hour when we arrive and possibly time after we perform to get food. Students are also welcome to bring snacks and drinks with a screw top on the bus as long as they pick up after themselves. Transportation 2 Charter Buses. We only have room for competition band, pit crew, and chaperones. Other information - Competition website Bring your water jug to stay hydrated! Bring proper clothes (weather) to change into for the awards ceremony. HHS Band gear is always encouraged!! Bands will be assigned a specific seating area and will sit together when we are not performing. Although this is a competition, we are always super supportive of the other bands there. We ask that anyone that attends to be a great audience for our band, but also the other students performing. Lots of positivity from everyone involved. Senior Night Marching Band seniors will be recognized at halftime. A huge thank you for Mrs. Thomas for organizing this year's senior night for band. If you are standing with your senior at halftime, please make sure you follow the instructions sent out by Mrs. Thomas this week. We want to make sure everyone is recognized correctly. We will perform a brief portion of our halftime show then have the seniors come forward and meet their families on the field for the recognition. Our portion of the halftime show will be following Florence High School Band's performance. From [email protected] & [email protected]Sad News Over Fall Break, Jose Arriaga, the father of John Arriaga (9th grade, Alto Saxophone) passed away. John has 3 other siblings including Lucero, who was also in band (percussion). Please send your prayers and thoughts to their family. A GoFundMe to help his family can be found here: His arrangements and obituary can be found here: Upcoming Schedule After this week, we will remove all sectionals (no Monday percussion sectional or Tuesday guard sectional). We will also cut back our weekly schedule. We will practice Thursday, October 21st from 4-5 to prepare for our Friday, October 22nd game. We will rehearse TUESDAY, October 26th for our Thursday, October 28th game. We also are still planning to participate in the Veteran's Day Parade on November 11th. Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band after school rehearsals begin after the last game (November). Symphonic Band typically rehearses Mondays from 4:00 - 5:30 pm. Wind Ensemble rehearsals are generally Tuesday and Thursday 4:00-5:30 pm. More detailed information is forthcoming. NEW MARCHING UNIFORMS for 2022-23!!!! We are excited to have new marching uniforms for the 2022-23 school year! This process has been ongoing. Our uniform committee has been established with the goal of making recommendations to the directors and decision committee in both implementation and preference of design.. Uniform Committee Members: Erin Boles (chair) - Former uniform coordinator Bonnie Eversole - current uniform coordinator, experience selecting the current uniform 10 years ago. Mark Connell - Band advisor and 35+ years of experience with marching band uniforms Amy Jackson - current uniform coordinator Noah Little - Woodwind and 11th grade male student representative Gabby Smith - Percussion and 10th grade female student representative Victoria Newell - Brass and 9th grade female student representative Decision Committee: Mr. Tankesley, Mrs. Connell, Mr. King Our timeline is to have the uniforms ordered by the end of January for a summer delivery Things We Like!Hey it was the Pep Band - and it was Fall Break! Here's to Holly and Mark Connell posing as students making music with the finest Pep Band in the Land!
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December 2024
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