We need your help!Eat great food for a great cause! The HHS Band needs your help - and helping is so easy! Just order some delicious BBQ - we'll source the meat, prep it and wrap it - and all you have to do is enjoy fork tender pulled pork that melts in your mouth! The order deadline is coming up - please do your part to order and deliver at least 5 per band member. This fundraiser is critical to the Band's future - We need your help! ![]()
The HHS Band Parent Board of Directors needs YOU! We have open volunteer position for the 2021-2022 School Year. We are searching for folks who are eager to push the band forward - with your fundraising skills and leadership skills. This is a GREAT way to spend time with your student working together on one of the most meaningful parent projects you can do! Interested? Contact Darin Miller today! Schedule for the week of March 22-26Schedule for the week March 22-26 Monday – Color Guard and Make up Band pictures during 3rd block (Bring your uniform to school). Symphonic Band 4:00-5:30. Tuesday – Wind Ensemble 4-5:30 Wednesday – Off Thursday – Off Friday – Band Contracts due for 21-22. Submit these in person to the band box or electronically ([email protected]) From [email protected] & [email protected]Message from the Directors We've had a very busy and successful weekend! We have so many reasons to be proud of our students. On Friday, both the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble performed extremely well at the Georgia Large Group Assessment at Ringgold High School. Wind Ensemble received straight superior ratings and the Symphonic Band received an excellent rating. We are very proud of the students for their performance especially given the unique circumstances of this year. We performed for a great audience and received so many compliments about how professional the students were as well as how well they performed. It was a great experience being able to play for a new audience, new judges, and we may be the only band from Alabama to ever play at this event! The performances are available on our facebook page. On Saturday, our winter guard gave a fantastic final performance at the Alabama Winter Guard Championships of their show, "Take Me Home" at Bob Jones High School. In spite of being quarantined for 2 weeks in February, being forced to miss 2 competitions, and dealing with a week of bad weather they were able to place 7th in the state. They had a 4.5 point jump from their competition 2 weeks ago. They have worked extremely hard to overcome these obstacles. I encourage you to watch their performance on the facebook page. We have 3 students competing in the super solo festival for the state of Alabama. This past week they've been able to rehearse and record their solo to send to the state panel. Alton Hudson and Gabbi Smith rehearsed with their pianist and recorded their solos on Sunday and Allie Polzin recorded with her pianist earlier this week. The top 7 in the state based on the recorded audition will perform a live concert at all state in Mobile. Wish them good luck! They sounded great! They are planning to perform their solos at our percussion ensemble concert on Tuesday, May 11th. Keep an eye on the newsletter to make sure you don't miss any dates as we enter a very busy time! We have 2 big fundraisers coming up - Boston Butts right after Spring Break and a rummage sale at the end of the year! We need everyone to sell 5 Boston Butts to help support the band program. They are delicious and give you food for about a week! We look forward to seeing everyone at our Spring Concert on Thursday, April 29th, our Percussion Ensemble Concert on Tuesday, May 11th, and Band Banquet on May 14th! OTHER NOTES: 1) Any student who used a school instrument during marching season should take it to Southeastern Music for repair/ maintenance evaluations. All school instruments should be returned for inventory no later than May 20 and must include proof of inspection from Southeastern. 2) Tri-M Music honor society induction and performance are scheduled for Thursday, April 8 at 6:30pm in the band room. Parents are welcomed to attend, but we ask that for social distancing planning that you email Mrs. Connell with the number of people you will be bringing. 3) While we still have one more concert left in this year, please remember that uniforms must be dry cleaned and returned for inventory by Friday, May 14. Uniforms must include the dry cleaning receipt to avoid the additional charge. Uniforms not returned by May 14 will have a hold placed on final report cards. MAKE UP PICTURES / COLOR GUARD PICTURES Color Guard photos and any make up band photos will be taken Monday, March 22 from 12:30 – 2:00 pm (3rd block B day). Please see a director if you need us to work with a teacher to allow you to come down for a few minutes for the picture. This is during our normal color guard class. If you are having your picture made, don’t forget to bring your uniform to school so you can change. Band Banquet - Friday, May 14th The band banquet is set for the evening of Friday, May 14th at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens. It will be an outdoor event. Students and families are invited. We will have BBQ catered by Brent Bourland, a band parent and a part of a BBQ team that competes on the Netflix series "Bama-Q!" More information to come! Drum Major Auditions Drum Major Auditions will take place Thursday, April 22nd right after school. Our current drum majors will do a clinic for all those trying out on April 7, 8 and 9th from 4:00 - 5:00 pm in the band room. You should plan to come to all 3 of these if you are trying out for drum major. Percussion Ensemble and Small Ensemble Concert – Date Change Due to a conflict, the concert has been changed to Tuesday, May 11th at 7:00 pm in the auditorium. Percussion Ensemble discussed their uniform and decided to wear black dress pants (or your tux pants) with a black button up shirt (or nice black shirt for females). Please make sure and have these before May 11th. If any wind players would like to perform a solo that you’ve been working on in private lessons or a small ensemble piece, talk to a director. WE NEED NEWSPAPER AND LARGE GLASS JARS!! Our percussion ensemble is playing music that requires LOTS of newspaper. We are looking for anyone to donate newspaper to the band. Just bring it to the band office! We are also looking for large (1 gallon or larger) glass jars. Upcoming Dates for Spring and Summer 2021 Performances (edited 3/12 to update percussion concert date; 3/18 drum major auditions and band banquet added) Thursday, April 29th - Spring Concert (Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band) Tuesday, May 11th - Percussion Ensemble and Solo Concert (Percussionists in 4B Class and others involved) Friday, May 14– Band Banquet. Huntsville Botanical Gardens Thursday, May 27th - Graduation at the Von Braun Center. Time TBA (probably evening) **Depending on school plans related to COVID for how this will work. All band students that are not seniors typically perform at graduation. Auditions for Fall 2021 and Summer Dates TBA (April) Drum Major April 22nd Drum Major Auditions April 26-30 Color Guard Auditions. HHS Freshman Cafeteria 4-5:30. April 22, May 6, 11, 13 Marching Percussion Camp/Auditions 6:00 – 8:00 pm May 3-7 Fall 2021 Concert Band Auditions May 10-14 Leadership Auditions and Interviews. Exact events TBA. Tues-Fri, June 1-4 Rookie Camp (required for all new members and leadership except color guard) 8:00 am - 12:00 pm June 7-11 Color Guard Summer Camp. All day. Tuesdays from 5-8 in June Percussion Summer Camps 5:00-8:00 pm Wed-Friday, July 14-16 Make-up Rookie Camp (new members). Please email [email protected] if you need to attend them make up rookie camp (unable to attend in May). 8:00-12:00. Wed-Friday, July 14-16 Color guard camp Times TBA July 19(Monday) – beginning of Band Camp!! All students that participate in marching band are required to attend. Any student not attending in full will not have a spot in the marching band. Please address any conflicts with a director ASAP! All Day! HCS 21-22 Calendar: https://www.huntsvillecityschools.org/sites/default/files/2021-22%20School%20Year%20Calendar%20v2.pdf VBC FundraisingVBC Wristbanders you are desperately needed for the rest of MARCH and APRIL Havoc Games ... Here is the link. (* you must have completed Vendor Responsibility Training with the VBC in order to sign up)
HHS Band WRISTBANDER - MARCH Havoc Games https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45A5AA29A6F4C70-march HHS Band WRISTBANDER - APRIL Havoc Games https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45A5AA29A6F4C70-april ************************************** VBC Concessions events for MARCH & APRIL. Please review all of the information below and take advantage of earning money for your student’s band fees! Below are LINKS to sign up and work concessions for MARCH and APRIL. Each event worked will earn money for your student’s band account and the band itself! A great way to earn and pay for existing band fees or earn for future expenses. TONS OF GREAT WAYS TO EARN MONEY!! Please note the following information when working concessions at the VBC
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45A5AA29A6F4C70- APRIL - Havoc Games march1https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45A5AA29A6F4C70-april1 **Special SHOUT OUTS and THANK YOUS to Iyana Lucas and Audrey Beumer they worked concessions during the SEC Gymnastic Championship Meet at the VBC on Saturday....Thanks so much for your help!!** If you have any VBC questions please contact Sheri at [email protected]!! Calendar for the Week!Schedule for the week March 15-19 Monday – Symphonic Band 4:00-5:30. Winter Guard 4:00-6:00 Tuesday – Wind Ensemble 4-5:30 Wednesday – Off Thursday – Off Friday – Trip to Georgia Large Group Assessment for Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band. Saturday – Winter Guard Alabama Championships – Bob Jones High School From [email protected] & [email protected]Georgia State Assessment Trip – Friday, March 19 We are planning to participate in Georgia Large Group Assessment on Friday, March 19th at Ringgold High School in Ringgold, Georgia. Please help the directors and booster board out by reading this information completely and submitting the appropriate money and forms in time. What: Georgia Large Group Assessment. This is the equivalent of the Alabama Music Performance Assessment (MPA) that we typically participate in. Because Alabama's is virtual this year, Georgia has invited us to participate. When: Friday, March 19th (less than 2 weeks away!) Where: Ringgold High School in Ringgold, Georgia. Approximately a 2 hour drive, just South of Chattanooga. Want to chaperone? Mrs. Beumer is looking for some chaperones to join us! Those wanting to chaperone can sign up in charms or email [email protected] COST AND FOOD: The cost of this trip is $13 – this includes lunch and a small upcharge to help with the event cost. The deadline to submit was Friday, March 12thIn order for your lunch to be complete. If you have not submitted a form and money at this point, please contact Kim Ejide directly at [email protected] If it is not submitted to the box with your money for lunch, we will not have a lunch available to you. The only other option is to bring your own food. Transportation: We are planning to take 3 charter buses to the event using the credits we had from our Europe trip last year. The quarantine rule on the bus is the same as other places– 6 feet or approximately 3 seats. We estimate buses will be 60-65% capacity, but this could be lower depending on who decides to drive. If you are not comfortable with your student riding on the charter bus for quarantine/covid issues, but still want to participate in the event, you can fill out a form to make alternate transportation arrangements. We will also have extra forms in the bandroom if anyone needs it. DEADLINE TO TURN IN FORM IS FRIDAY, MARCH 12TH by the end of the day. You do not have to turn in a form if you are planning to ride the bus. Although the school system allows for student drivers, we really prefer students do not drive themselves 2 hours to a place we haven’t been before for safety reasons. It is ultimately a parent decision. Schedule Friday, March 19th 7:30 am – Arrive at HHS. Have your concert uniform on. Guys can bring their jacket on a hanger. For reasons related to COVID, we will not be able to change clothes on this trip. 8:00 am (central time) – Depart HHS 11:00 am (eastern time) – Lunch (prepackaged lunches from Chik-fil-a or Jason’s deli or bring your own food on the bus). Planning to eat outside or in a large indoor area. 12:00 pm – Depart Lunch 12:30 pm – Arrive at Ringgold High School 1:00 pm – Symphonic Band Warm up (Wind Ensemble go sit and watch performances in the audience) 1:30 pm - Symphonic Band Performance 2:30 pm - Wind Ensemble warms up 3:00 pm – Wind Ensemble performs 3:45 pm – Load Buses 4:15 pm (eastern time) – Depart Ringgold ~5:15 pm (central time) – Back at School! Other Information Students will be in CONCERT UNIFORMS (dresses and tuxedos). Please make sure you have ALL the parts to your uniform before leaving your house. Guys should have have black socks. Everyone should have black dress shoes. You are responsible for making sure your instrument gets loaded on the bus. Make sure you have MUSIC, mutes, sticks/mallets, extra reeds, valve oil, slide grease, or anything else you may need. Covid Protocols and Concerns This is a huge deal for the band program and it will also give our band students some normalcy. We believe we can do so safely and give the students a great and memorable experience. We have planned for this trip based on the students that are continuously participating in in-person activities, but we understand there still may be concerns. We ask that if you are planning to opt out to email Mr. Tankesley ([email protected]) or Mrs. Connell ([email protected]) so we are aware of this and can plan for the success of each group accordingly. Letting us know in advance allows us to make decisions for the good of the group in case there are parts in the music missing. What are we doing to make sure this can be done safely?
Other Band Announcements Band Contracts 21-22 Band Contracts were given out last week during class and due before Spring Break by March 26th. You can submit these in person to the band box or electronically to a director. You can also access the contract through this link: Band Contract MAKE UP PICTURES / COLOR GUARD PICTURES Color Guard photos and any make up band photos will be taken Monday, March 22 from 12:30 – 2:00 pm (3rd block B day). Please see a director if you need us to work with a teacher to allow you to come down for a few minutes for the picture. This is during our normal color guard class. If you are having your picture made, don’t forget to bring your uniform to school to wear. Percussion Ensemble and Small Ensemble Concert – Date Change Due to a conflict, the concert has been changed to Tuesday, May 11th at 7:00 pm in the auditorium. Percussion Ensemble discussed their uniform this week and decided to wear black dress pants (or your tux pants) with a black button up shirt (or nice black shirt for females). If any wind players would like to perform a solo that you’ve been working on in private lessons or a small ensemble piece, talk to a director. Class Registration We hope you are in the process of thinking about your class options for next year. Below is a list of the classes we prefer you sign up for when you register in inow. If you submitted something on paper that says something other than this, it’s ok. I know registration has started for some grades already. Remember that the titles of these classes do not matter, so just register the number that you see. Each class represents a semester and 0.5 credit, but the classes are paired together (you have to register for both to be enrolled). For those doing marching band and concert band you will sign up for a total of 4 numbers. Upcoming Seniors – sign up for the following concert band classes: Marching Band V 05103G0505 9-12 0.5 Concert Band V 05102G0505 9-12 0.5 Upcoming Juniors – sign up for the following concert band classes: Marching Band IV 05103G0504 9-12 0.5 Concert Band IV 05102G0504 9-12 0.5 Upcoming Sophomores – sign up for the following concert band classes: Marching Band III 05103G0503 9-12 0.5 Concert Band III 05102G0503 9-12 0.5 Upcoming Freshmen – sign up for the following concert band classes: Marching Band II 05103G0502 9-12 0.5 Concert Band II 05102G0502 9-12 0.5 ALL MARCHING BAND – INCLUDING COLOR GUARD, WINTER GUARD, PERCUSSION, MAJORETTES Marching Band I 05103G0501 9-12 0.5 Concert Band I 05102G0501 9-12 0.5 WE NEED NEWSPAPER AND LARGE GLASS JARS!! Our percussion ensemble is playing music that requires LOTS of newspaper. We are looking for anyone to donate newspaper to the band. Just bring it to the band office! We are also looking for large (1 gallon or larger) glass jars. Upcoming Dates for Spring and Summer 2021 Performances (edited 3/12 to update percussion concert date) Saturday, March 20th - Winter Guard State Championships at Bob Jones Thursday, April 29th - Spring Concert (Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band) Tuesday, May 11th - Percussion Ensemble and Solo Concert (Percussionists in 1B Class and others involved) TBA – Band Banquet Thursday, May 27th - Graduation at the Von Braun Center. Time TBA (probably evening) **Depending on school plans related to COVID for how this will work. All band students that are not seniors typically perform at graduation. Auditions for Fall 2021 and Summer Dates TBA (April) Drum Major April 26-30 Color Guard Auditions. HHS Freshman Cafeteria 4-5:30. April 22, May 6, 11, 13 Marching Percussion Camp/Auditions 6:00 – 8:00 pm May 3-7 Fall 2021 Concert Band Auditions May 10-14 Leadership Auditions and Interviews. Exact events TBA. Tues-Fri, June 1-4 Rookie Camp (required for all new members and leadership except color guard) 8:00 am - 12:00 pm June 7-11 Color Guard Summer Camp. All day. Tuesdays from 5-8 in June Percussion Summer Camps 5:00-8:00 pm Wed-Friday, July 14-16 Make-up Rookie Camp (new members). Please email [email protected] if you need to attend them make up rookie camp (unable to attend in May). 8:00-12:00. Wed-Friday, July 14-16 Color guard camp Times TBA July 19(Monday) – beginning of Band Camp!! All students that participate in marching band are required to attend. Any student not attending in full will not have a spot in the marching band. Please address any conflicts with a director ASAP! All Day! HCS 21-22 Calendar: https://www.huntsvillecityschools.org/sites/default/files/2021-22%20School%20Year%20Calendar%20v2.pdf Band Fundraising!!!VBC Wristbanders you are desperately needed for the MARCH Havoc Games ... Here is the link. (* you must have completed Vendor Responsibility Training with the VBC in order to sign up)
HHS Band WRISTBANDER - Havoc Games https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45A5AA29A6F4C70-march ************************************** VBC Concessions events for MARCH. The VBC has opened more volunteer opportunities to the band - please review all of the information below and take advantage of earning money for your student’s band fees! Below are LINKS to sign up and work concessions for MARCH. Each event worked will earn money for your student’s band account and the band itself! A great way to earn and pay for existing band fees or earn for future expenses. TONS OF GREAT WAYS TO EARN MONEY!! Please note the following information when working concessions at the VBC
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45A5AA29A6F4C70-march1 Additional CONCESSION Opportunities for March https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45A5AA29A6F4C70-hhsband5 Schedule for the week of March 8-12, 2021Monday – Symphonic Band 4:00-5:30. Winter Guard 4:00-6:00 Tuesday – No Wind Ensemble (moved to Thursday due to the ACT/virtual day) Wednesday – Off Thursday – Wind Ensemble 4-5:30 Friday - Off Featured Sponsor: Siniard, Timberlake & League PCFrom [email protected] & [email protected]Georgia State Assessment Trip – Friday, March 19 We are planning to participate in Georgia Large Group Assessment on Friday, March 19th at Ringgold High School in Ringgold, Georgia. Please help the directors and booster board out by reading this information completely and submitting the appropriate money and forms in time. What: Georgia Large Group Assessment. This is the equivalent of the Alabama Music Performance Assessment (MPA) that we typically participate in. Because Alabama's is virtual this year, Georgia has invited us to participate. When: Friday, March 19th (less than 2 weeks away!) Where: Ringgold High School in Ringgold, Georgia. Approximately a 2 hour drive, just South of Chattanooga. Want to chaperone? Mrs. Beumer is looking for some chaperones to join us! Those wanting to chaperone can sign up in charms or email [email protected] COST AND FOOD: The cost of this trip is $13 – this includes lunch and a small upcharge to help with the event cost. The deadline is Friday, March 12th by the end of the day. In order for your lunch to be complete, you must submit the form and turn in payment to the band box (in an envelope with student’s name) by the deadline. If it is not submitted to the box with your money for lunch, we will not have a lunch available to you. The only other option is to bring your own food. If you are not eating the food provided, please turn in $5 in an envelope with your student's name to help with registration for the event to the band box! You have a choice of a prepackaged box from Chick-fil-a or a prepackaged box from Jason’s Deli. CLICK HERE TO ORDER LUNCH Transportation: We are planning to take 3 charter buses to the event using the credits we had from our Europe trip last year. The quarantine rule on the bus is the same as other places– 6 feet or approximately 3 seats. We estimate buses will be 60-65% capacity, but this could be lower depending on who decides to drive. If you are not comfortable with your student riding on the charter bus for quarantine/covid issues, but still want to participate in the event, you can fill out a form to make alternate transportation arrangements. We will also have extra forms in the bandroom if anyone needs it. DEADLINE TO TURN IN FORM IS FRIDAY, MARCH 12TH by the end of the day. You do not have to turn in a form if you are planning to ride the bus. Although the school system allows for student drivers, we really prefer students do not drive themselves 2 hours to a place we haven’t been before for safety reasons. It is ultimately a parent decision. CLICK HERE FOR TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVE FORM. Schedule Friday, March 19th 7:30 am – Arrive at HHS. Have your concert uniform on. Guys can bring their jacket on a hanger. For reasons related to COVID, we will not be able to change clothes on this trip. 8:00 am (central time) – Depart HHS 11:00 am (eastern time) – Lunch (prepackaged lunches from Chik-fil-a or Jason’s deli or bring your own food on the bus). Planning to eat outside or in a large indoor area. 12:00 pm – Depart Lunch 12:30 pm – Arrive at Ringgold High School 1:00 pm – Symphonic Band Warm up (Wind Ensemble go sit and watch performances in the audience) 1:30 pm - Symphonic Band Performance 2:30 pm - Wind Ensemble warms up 3:00 pm – Wind Ensemble performs 3:45 pm – Load Buses 4:15 pm (eastern time) – Depart Ringgold ~5:15 pm (central time) – Back at School! Other Information Students will be in CONCERT UNIFORMS (dresses and tuxedos). Please make sure you have ALL the parts to your uniform before leaving your house. Guys should have have black socks. Everyone should have black dress shoes. You are responsible for making sure your instrument gets loaded on the bus. Make sure you have MUSIC, mutes, sticks/mallets, extra reeds, valve oil, slide grease, or anything else you may need. Covid Protocols and Concerns This is a huge deal for the band program and it will also give our band students some normalcy. We believe we can do so safely and give the students a great and memorable experience. We have planned for this trip based on the students that are continuously participating in in-person activities, but we understand there still may be concerns. We ask that if you are planning to opt out to email Mr. Tankesley ([email protected]) or Mrs. Connell ([email protected]) so we are aware of this and can plan for the success of each group accordingly. Letting us know in advance allows us to make decisions for the good of the group in case there are parts in the music missing. What are we doing to make sure this can be done safely?
Band Contracts 21-22 Band Contracts will be given out next week during class and due before Spring Break by March 26th. You can submit these in person to the band box or electronically to a director. You can also access the contract through this link: Band Contract Yearbook Pictures Needed We are looking for pictures of band students to put in the yearbook. We are specifically in need of concert band pictures. Individual, small groups, or large group photos will all be great! Our yearbook staff typically does a fantastic job, but they haven't been able to do as much as they normally do because of COVID. You can submit pictures here: https://forms.gle/RksRqJ8uXPDVNkwr7 or you can email if the form doesn't work for you. Class Registration We hope you are in the process of thinking about your class options for next year. Below is a list of the classes we prefer you sign up for when you register in inow. If you submitted something on paper that says something other than this, it’s ok. I know registration has started for some grades already. Remember that the titles of these classes do not matter, so just register the number that you see. Each class represents a semester and 0.5 credit, but the classes are paired together (you have to register for both to be enrolled). For those doing marching band and concert band you will sign up for a total of 4 numbers. Upcoming Seniors – sign up for the following concert band classes: Marching Band V 05103G0505. 9-12. 0.5 Concert Band V 05102G0505. 9-12. 0.5 Upcoming Juniors – sign up for the following concert band classes: Marching Band IV 05103G0504. 9-12. 0.5 Concert Band IV 05102G0504. 9-12. 0.5 Upcoming Sophomores – sign up for the following concert band classes: Marching Band III 05103G0503. 9-12. 0.5 Concert Band III 05102G0503. 9-12. 0.5 Upcoming Freshmen – sign up for the following concert band classes: Marching Band II 05103G0502. 9-12. 0.5 Concert Band II 05102G0502 9-12. 0.5 ALL MARCHING BAND – INCLUDING COLOR GUARD, WINTER GUARD, PERCUSSION, MAJORETTES Marching Band I 05103G0501. 9-12. 0.5 Concert Band I 05102G0501 9-12. 0.5 WE NEED NEWSPAPER AND LARGE GLASS JARS!! Our percussion ensemble is playing music that requires LOTS of newspaper. We are looking for anyone to donate newspaper to the band. Just bring it to the band office! We are also looking for large (1 gallon or larger) glass jars. Upcoming Dates for Spring and Summer 2021 Performances Saturday, March 20th - Winter Guard State Championships at Bob Jones Thursday, April 29th - Spring Concert (Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band) Tuesday, May 2nd - Percussion Ensemble and Solo Concert (Percussionists in 1B Class and others involved) TBA – Band Banquet Thursday, May 27th - Graduation at the Von Braun Center. Time TBA (probably evening) **Depending on school plans related to COVID for how this will work. All band students that are not seniors typically perform at graduation. Auditions for Fall 2021 and Summer Dates TBA (April) Drum Major April 26-30 Color Guard Auditions. HHS Freshman Cafeteria 4-5:30. April 22, May 6, 11, 13 Marching Percussion Camp/Auditions 6:00 – 8:00 pm May 3-7 Fall 2021 Concert Band Auditions May 10-14 Leadership Auditions and Interviews. Exact events TBA. Tues-Fri, June 1-4 Rookie Camp (required for all new members and leadership except color guard) 8:00 am - 12:00 pm June 7-11 Color Guard Summer Camp. All day. Tuesdays from 5-8 in June Percussion Summer Camps 5:00-8:00 pm Wed-Friday, July 14-16 Make-up Rookie Camp (new members). Please email [email protected] if you need to attend them make up rookie camp (unable to attend in May). 8:00-12:00. Wed-Friday, July 14-16 Color guard camp Times TBA July 19(Monday) – beginning of Band Camp!! All students that participate in marching band are required to attend. Any student not attending in full will not have a spot in the marching band. Please address any conflicts with a director ASAP! All Day! HCS 21-22 Calendar: https://www.huntsvillecityschools.org/sites/default/files/2021-22%20School%20Year%20Calendar%20v2.pdf VBC Fundraising - Earn money for your band accountVBC Wristbanders you are needed for the MARCH Havoc Games ... Here is the link. (* you must have completed Vendor Responsibility Training with the VBC in order to sign up)
HHS Band WRISTBANDER - Havoc Games https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45A5AA29A6F4C70-march ************************************** VBC Concessions events for MARCH. The VBC has opened more volunteer opportunities to the band - please review all of the information below and take advantage of earning money for your student’s band fees! Below are LINKS to sign up and work concessions for MARCH. Each event worked will earn money for your student’s band account and the band itself! A great way to earn and pay for existing band fees or earn for future expenses. TONS OF GREAT WAYS TO EARN MONEY!! Please note the following information when working concessions at the VBC
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45A5AA29A6F4C70-march1 Additional CONCESSION Opprotunities for March https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45A5AA29A6F4C70-hhsband5 If you have any questions about VBC sign ups please contact Sheri Polzin via email at [email protected] |
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