THINGS WE LIKEHHS Band members hit the big time... 10 MEMBERS OF THE MILLION DOLLAR BAND They have made the big time and it started in the Huntsville City Schools - amplified in the HHS Band. These outstanding men and women are the best of the University of Alabama's Million Dollar Band. Pictured with UA Director of Bands Dr. Ken Ozello: (L-R) Meghan Mackey, Katie Applebaum, Wade Pelham, CJ Drake, Nathan Strohman, Jason Wimsett, Alton Hudson, Carley Bourland, Keiran Eversole and Ansley Boles. Picture taken Saturday night at the Parent Preview Show. The HHS Band prepares our kids for even bigger things... every sophomore and higher has been to at least 1 national championship game! Please if you have pix from other Bands please send them in! Bolestv @ Schedule for the Week! BEAT GRISSOM!Weekly Schedule Monday - Off Tuesday - Marching rehearsal 4-6 pm. Color Guard sectional 6-7. Wednesday - Marching Percussion Sectional 4 - 5:30 Thursday - After school marching band 4-6. We will end rehearsal early to play for open house in the courtyard between 5:30 - 6:00 pm and dismiss at 6. Friday - Game vs. Grissom at Milton Frank (see gameday information) Gameday Information Schedule During classes - B Day load! We will load during your band class. 5:15 pm - Trucks arrive at Milton Frank 5:30 pm - Meet on the North side of Milton Frank. Look for the trucks. We will be on the VISITOR side. 5:45 - 6:30 pm Section and full Warm ups 6:40 pm - March in 7:00 pm - Game Starts ~9:30 pm - Game ends. Pack up and dismiss. What to wear Our uniform for this week is the same as the preview show. Wear the band polo, khaki shorts with belt, short (ankle socks), and tennis shoes. Color Guard wear your equivalent uniform. You should arrive in uniform with your shirt tucked in. We will be in this uniform until our new uniforms arrive! Other information Although we are the visiting team, we will be performing our halftime show to the HOME side (same direction as this past week). Please eat something prior to the game. We do not allow food or drinks in the stands except for water. You will not have the opportunity to visit the concession stand. Bring your water bottle! For the safety of our students and equipment, only band students, teachers, and chaperones should be in the band seating area. You are responsible for making sure your instrument gets put in the correct spot to be loaded on the truck or getting your instrument to the game. Instructions will be given in class. THANKS TO FIELD PAINTING CREWField painting happens every Sunday at 4pm. We need your help! Coordinate with your section leader if you are interested in helping out! It's a lot of fun and HAS to happen. Special thanks to Allie Polzin who is the main care-taker of the field! From [email protected] & [email protected]
It's that time - our first (of two) Boston Butt sale of the year! This is a great fundraiser for the band and we ask that every student try to sell five. These are truly the best butts many have tasted and many folks are repeat customers. Also, please be creative in getting the word out. Neighborhood facebook pages, your personal facebook page, leaving some forms at parents' work if allowed... Also, if you can offer delivery, that might be an incentive to some. Again, be creative! Please see the attached form for all information. VENMO can be used for payment and in that case, the form is not required. Scan the code and put information that is requested on the form. Thank you all for your support! ![]()
From [email protected] & [email protected]
Upcoming Events
Thursday, September 1st - Band Performs at open house from 5:30 - 6 in the courtyard. Plan for a little later pick up this day.
Friday, September 2nd - Game vs. Grissom at Milton Frank (we will be on the away side) - Pep rally during the school day.
Tuesday, September 6th - London Trip Meeting 6:30 pm - Band Room
Friday, September 9th - Game vs. James Clemens at Alabama A&M. More info to come.
Our Panther - In - Training (PIT) Crew is happening! This is a chance for 8th grade students or siblings of current band students to be a part of the Huntsville High Band and get a taste of what we do.
If you know an 8th grader or band sibling interested, click here to find out more and apply:
Marching Uniforms
All shoes and bibbers (marching pants) that were ordered have arrived and were distributed over the past week. Gloves will be distributed when the new uniform arrives. If there are any issues, please contact our uniform committee at [email protected]
Concert Uniforms
All Wind Ensemble tuxedos and dresses were distributed. Symphonic Band has begun this process.
Information repeated from previous newsletters:
Schedule Changes!!!!!
We were informed this week that the Bob Jones game currently scheduled for Friday, September 16th has been moved to Thursday, September 15th. The game is still at Madison City Stadium.
The Huntsville Junior High vs. Hampton Cove game has now been added to the calendar. The date is Monday, September 19th. The game is at 6:30 pm. More detailed schedule as we get closer.
Marching Competitions 2022
Our marching competitions are on the following days:
Saturday, September 17th in Hendersonville, TN
Saturday, October 15th in Muscle Shoals, Al
Saturday, October 22nd in Soddy Daisy, TN (Do not sign up for the ACT on this date unless you plan to get your own ride to the competition)
These competitions are what we work all season towards. They are required. Please keep your calendar clear on these dates and plan for a full day event. We take charter buses to these events. We would love to have a great cheering section as well!
REMIND text messages
We use Remind text messages for reminders of events/deadlines, sudden changes (like weather), and to send out return times from trips.
How to get on our text messages:
Send a text message to the number 81010
In the message section put the following (based on your current grade level). You do not have to do this if you are already receiving our texts.
12th - @caeg36
11th - @2023hhsb
10th - @2025hh
9th - @2026hh
Things we LOVE!!!
Schedule for the Week
Monday - Off
Tuesday - Marching rehearsal 4-6 pm. Color Guard sectional 6-7.
Wednesday - Marching Percussion Sectional 4 - 5:30
Thursday - After school marching band 4-6
Friday - Off
Upcoming Events
Friday, August 26th - First game vs. Oxford at Milton Frank Stadium
Friday, September 2nd - Game vs. Grissom at Milton Frank (we will be on the away side)
Friday, September 9th - Game vs. James Clemens at Alabama A&M. More info to come.
From [email protected] & [email protected]
LONDON MEETING - Tuesday, September 6th at 6:30 pm - Huntsville High Band Room
We need your attendance at this meeting if you are a parent of a student planning to go to London. Students are always welcome, but not required to attend. We will be inviting our 8th grade students/parents to join us at this meeting. This is an important meeting, but should not be too long.
Unless it's absolutely necessary, I don't foresee any additional "London only" meetings this year. We are kicking this off and getting you the information you need to know! We may have additional meetings Fall 2023 as the trip gets closer.
The date and time for the Wind Ensemble performance at the state music conference has been set! We will perform in the BJCC Theater at 3:30 pm on Friday, January 20th. This will be a most of the day/full day trip for wind ensemble students. This is the biggest performance of the year for this group. If there are any conflicts with this date, I need to know ASAP. We will more than likely leave mid-morning and return to school by 9 pm that evening.
All wind ensemble students should now have a tuxedo. Pictures coming soon.
Information repeated from last week's newsletter:
Schedule Changes!!!!!
We were informed this week that the Bob Jones game currently scheduled for Friday, September 16th has been moved to Thursday, September 15th. The game is still at Madison City Stadium.
The Huntsville Junior High vs. Hampton Cove game has now been added to the calendar. The date is Monday, September 19th. The game is at 6:30 pm. More detailed schedule as we get closer.
Marching Competitions 2022
Our marching competitions are on the following days:
Saturday, September 17th in Hendersonville, TN
Saturday, October 15th in Muscle Shoals, Al
Saturday, October 22nd in Soddy Daisy, TN (Do not sign up for the ACT on this date unless you plan to get your own ride to the competition)
These competitions are what we work all season towards. They are required. Please keep your calendar clear on these dates and plan for a full day event. We take charter buses to these events. We would love to have a great cheering section as well!
REMIND text messages
We use Remind text messages for reminders of events/deadlines, sudden changes (like weather), and to send out return times from trips.
How to get on our text messages:
Send a text message to the number 81010
In the message section put the following (based on your current grade level). You do not have to do this if you are already receiving our texts.
12th - @caeg36
11th - @2023hhsb
10th - @2025hh
9th - @2026hh
Things We Like
Schedule for the Week
Monday - Off
Tuesday - Marching rehearsal 4-6 pm. Color Guard sectional 6-7.
Wednesday - Marching Percussion Sectional 4 - 5:30
Thursday - After school marching band 4-6
Friday - Off
Upcoming Events
Friday, August 26th - First game vs. Oxford at Milton Frank Stadium
Friday, September 2nd - Game vs. Grissom at Milton Frank (we will be on the away side)
Friday, September 9th - Game vs. James Clemens at Alabama A&M. More info to come.
Persons 16 years of age or older can work in the concession stands and earn $11/hour for your CHARMS account. No experience is necessary but please be expecting to WORK. A check-in sheet with HHS Band is available in the F&B offices at the VBC. You "clock in" and "clock out" there and report to the concessions stand manager you are assigned. Each shift is approximately 4 hours.
Persons 21 years of age or older can work as a "wristbander" and check IDs to facilitate customer flow at the bars - and stands selling alcohol. In order to participate in this, you must first attend a "responsible vendor" training class at the VBC. This job also nets you $11/hour and takes approximtately 4 hours.
THE HHS Band Parent Association will round up your pay for the first three events you work to $50 per event. This money is immediately credited to your CHARMS account and is for you to use "as cash" for band related expenses and fees. This is a fast and simple way to rack up cash. It's tax free and it's a great way to have your student work... where you have complete control over your schedule.
Interested? We are expecting 50-60 members of the HHS Band Community as a whole to participate in this. Additionally, every hour that is worked means $3 goes to the Band General Fund on top of the money you earn individually. This is a tremendous fundraiser for the Band and for YOU.
Email Stacee - and that gets you into the "sign up genius" queue and we are off to the races!
Please let Stacee Young know of your interest in this fantastic opportunity. [email protected]

From [email protected] & [email protected]
Starting this week our B day classes should plan to be outside. We will be setting drill for the 3rd movement during class time. We will give students time to change in and out of clothes at the beginning and end of each block. Students are welcome to use the large auditorium restrooms or the dressing rooms behind the stage to change. Treat this like you would PE - just have an extra pair or 2 of summer clothes and athletic shoes that stay in your band room cubbie and clean them on the weekend. Please remember to continue to keep a water bottle at school!
Wind Ensemble Students
Because of our AMEA performance and some of the requirements leading up to it, our wonderful uniform committee is going to go ahead and fit you for your tuxedos and dresses next week! You will take these home. Sometime in the near future we will be scheduling a group photo and a photo shoot possibly off campus. We have some very strict deadlines to meet with these. Information on how to care of your uniform with be included!
Information repeated from last week's newsletter:
Schedule Changes!!!!!
We were informed this week that the Bob Jones game currently scheduled for Friday, September 16th has been moved to Thursday, September 15th. The game is still at Madison City Stadium.
The Huntsville Junior High vs. Hampton Cove game has now been added to the calendar. The date is Monday, September 19th. The game is at 6:30 pm. More detailed schedule as we get closer.
The Wind Ensemble was selected to perform at the Alabama Music Educator Association (AMEA) state conference January 19-21, 2023 in Birmingham.
This is one of the biggest musical honors that you can be given in the state of Alabama. Our students will be able to highlight our band program and inspire other educators as we perform for the music teachers in the state of Alabama. This performance is also open to the public.
We will have an exact performance time and date in the coming months. We will perform at preview concert in January at HHS prior to going!
Band Classes / Schedules
As we have told the marching band students, mistakes on the first draft of your schedule that you picked up this week are very common. Although your counselors aren't responsible for the mistakes, they are terrific about getting things right. I know this can be a little frustrating and stressful especially for the 9th graders. It may take a little time though - even into the first week of school for some people.
The band class schedule for the year is the same as it has been the past couple of years. If your band class is incorrect, please fill out a schedule mistake form at the school and put it in the proper basket. If you have questions and are not sure if your schedule is correct or not, ask a leadership team member or a director. Your class assignment is dictated by what you signed up for (Marching Band/Concert only and your audition (Symphonic band or wind Ensemble). Those results are posted in the band room.
All 9th graders in marching band have been given opportunities during lunch for an older band member to walk them through their schedule so they know where they are going.
A Day Classes
1A - Symphonic Band Percussion (except for Grant, DJ, Aiden, and Dallas)
2A - Symphonic Band Winds (Woodwinds and Brass and also including Grant, DJ, Aiden, and Dallas)
3A - All Wind Ensemble students
B Day Classes
1B - Marching Band Winds (Woodwinds and Brass)
3B - Color Guard members
4B - Marching Band Percussion Students (all front ensemble and battery members)
Beginning of year information
After school marching band rehearsals start on Tuesday, August 2nd.
Our weekly marching band schedule:
Monday: Off
Tuesday: All marching band students 4-6 pm. Color Guard sectional 6:00-7:00 pm
Wednesday - Percussion Sectional 4-5:30 pm
Thursday - All marching band students 4-6 pm
Friday - Game
Homecoming week schedule will be different (see charms calendar)
Thank you so much for coming to hear the mighty Crimson Panther Marching Band perform Friday night at the preview show. The energy and enthusiasm only grows each time we take the field! Come be a part of the magic. We are looking for volunteers to sustain our momentum years into the future. In the next two weeks we will form a nominating committee for leadership of the Booster Board. Many positions are still open, notably Trip Coordinator, Media Coordinator and President.
- Trip Coordinator is a thrill ride! You are involved in every detail every time the Band rolls - from football games to big trips. This is a consequential position considering London is in the future for the Band! This person builds relationships on the Band's behalf with bus companies, Apple Bus, travel agencies and the venues we travel to. We are in amazing shape thanks to Stephanie Winters, who is happy to train her replacement.
- Media Coordinator - The most gratifying job - makes these fantastic students LOOK GREAT! Unlimited upside here for the band with publicity, sponsorship agreements and those Friday night memories. You do not have to be a great photographer - you just have to be there to capture the moment - where kids outperform their own expectations, parents burst with pride, and priceless family pictures are captured. VIDEO is a very important component of this. Your ability to edit with iMovie or Final Cut really helps. You will be an administrator on the social media pages, and really shape the public perception of our great Band.
- President - Honestly, this is the easiest job. Surrounded by the finest volunteers, this job is really the "delegator in chief." Duties include in this order:
- Be a student advocate
- Support the Directors
- Understand the budget (know your numbers)
If you are thinking about this, please contact me so we can talk about it. [email protected]. The nominating committee has the final say, and we don't want to have to "VOLUN-TELL" ANYONE.
The Time Commitment: I spend most of my time doing media for the Band. That is a separate job. - NOT BEING PRESIDENT. With two amazing treasurers and a supportive board, this is a 5 hour per week job, max.
As a parent, Band has been the biggest blessing to my family. Cheers, BB
Marching Competitions 2022
Our marching competitions are on the following days:
Saturday, September 17th in Hendersonville, TN
Saturday, October 15th in Muscle Shoals, Al
Saturday, October 22nd in Soddy Daisy, TN (Do not sign up for the ACT on this date unless you plan to get your own ride to the competition)
These competitions are what we work all season towards. They are required. Please keep your calendar clear on these dates and plan for a full day event. We take charter buses to these events. We would love to have a great cheering section as well!
Please like, subscribe and share our content! Enjoy the video!
| REMIND text messages How to get on our text messages: Send a text message to the number 81010 In the message section put the following (based on your current grade level). You do not have to do this if you are already receiving our texts. 12th - @caeg36 11th - @2023hhsb 10th - @2025hh 9th - @2026hh |
Submit content to: [email protected]
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