Things We Like
Band Camp is officially in the books. All the blood, sweat and tears(well at least sweat) have really paid off. This year's show is going to be fantastic! Great things to come for the HHS Band. GBR!!
Next year's Band Boosters Board openings:
Start your wheels turning about next year's openings on the Band Boosters Board. If you even remotely think you might be interested in filling one of these positions next year, please let Kelly Parrish know ([email protected]). What a great opportunity to go ahead and get hooked up with the current board members and get a jump start on learning the ropes. It's such a fun way to get involved and meet other likeminded, crazy about band, parents. Next year we will have vacancies in the following positions: Volunteer Coordinator Media-two vacancies Transportation Coordinator Program Maker-"work from home" Newsletter-"work from home" Uniform coordinator-one vacancy Want more band merch?
If you would like to order band merch, the store on SquadLocker has been opened to allow you to order your own merchandise. Click the link below to shop:
SquadLocker Band Fundraisers
We are kicking off our calendar fundraiser early! Go ahead and start sharing your calendar with friends, family, and neighbors to get those donations in! The calendar fundraiser is super easy and everyone can participate with donations ranging from $1 to $31. If you fill up the calendar, the band profits $496 and we will award each student who fills up their calendar with a $25 gift card!! How does it work? When someone picks the 10th on the calendar, they donate $10 to the band and you X off that date on your calendar and fill out the back of form with their name and payment information. They can pay with cash, check, or Venmo. At the end of August, turn in your form and any cash or checks into the band box. It's that simple! Click link below to print out a calendar ![]()
Boston Butt
We can begin taking pre-orders for our Boston Butt fundraiser now through October 24. Chuckwagon will be providing our butts this year and pick up will be on November 4 in front of the Freshman Academy from 9-11. You can use the attached flier to begin taking orders. Please attach money to order form before putting in band box. If using Venmo, please include name of buyer, name of band student, and boston butt in the memo line. Click the link below to access the order form boston_butt_order_form_nov._4th__50.pdf Download File Schedule for the week
Monday- Marching Band Rehearsal 6-9 pm
Tuesday- Individual band pictures 2-4 pm. Marching Band Rehearsal 6-8:30 pm. We will dismiss at 8:30 pm since school starts Wednesday Wednesday- First day of school. Bring your CONCERT instrument! Thursday- Marching band 4-6 pm Friday- Off Band Pictures on Tuesday for marching band students Pictures will be set up in the band room between 2-4 pm. You can drop in and get your picture taken - no need to stay the entire time. You will need your FULL MARCHING UNIFORM and Instrument! Reminder there is rehearsal this same evening from 6-8:30 pm. These pictures are for our group photo (see band hallway) and you will also be able to purchase these from the photographer if you like once the proof has been given to you. Questions? Email Kelly Parrish - [email protected] 1st day of school announcements Our goal is to make sure our new members are comfortable on the first day of school at Huntsville High. Each new member has a big brother/sister as a resource to ask any question about HHS they would like. Most students have taken multiple tours of the school. If you have any questions, please ask! Before school: All HHS Students must enter through the Freshman academy entrances and go through a weapons detector. These devices detect specific weapons and are not "metal detectors" so this should not impact your ability to take an instrument through these devices. You must carry laptops in your hand and avoid 3 ring binders. Normally these checks go very quickly, but anticipate some lines the first few days until all the new students get acclimated to the procedures. You generally can start going through these at 8:00 am. ​You will be able to put your instrument in the band room before school and pick it up after school. Schedules: Every student will receive a new schedule on the first day - hopefully with any corrections you requested. Even if the schedule is wrong, you must follow your incorrect schedule until it gets fixed. During School: Bring your concert instrument the first day and be ready to play! Lunches - Lunch is with your 3rd block class each day. You must go to your class before lunch. Band students in 3rd block will eat 1st lunch in the main cafeteria. B Day Band Classes - Marching Band classes are on B days. During these days we might be outside during your class period. You will have time to change into athletic clothing to go outside. We use the large restrooms in the lobby and the theater dressing rooms. You will have time to change out after class. You may want to treat this like a pe class and have a couple of pairs of athletic clothes in your band cubby and take it home on the weekend to be washed. You may also want to change clothes for after school rehearsal. WATER!!!! Please continue to hydrate during the school day and bring water to rehearsal after school and during class for marching band students. It will still be very hot!!! Community pep rally The school announced yesterday that there will be an evening pep rally on Thursday, August 31st at 7:00 pm. This is the night before the first game. Please add this to your calendar. More information as we get closer. London Connection! (updated 7/29) Next payment of $800 is due by September 1st (do not use Venmo for this payment - it will overload our account!) Easiest way to pay is by check to the band box! September 1st is the last day you can added tol be guaranteed the current price of the trip. It is also the deadline for declaring full program or land only. If you do not have your passport in hand or have not submitted your papers for your passport, do it now! If you do not have your passport in time, this is not covered by insurance and you will not be able to go! You may have seen in recent news that the European Union has passed an additional tax for visitors starting in 2024. This will not impact our standard trip since we are traveling into London in 2023 and England is not part of the EU. However, if you are doing the land only option and extending your trip to other locations beyond the scheduled date, you may need to additional research and paperwork on this. See this website: Important Forms and Deadlines: Passport/Traveler information form (to be filled out separately by each traveler) - Due September 1st Room mate request and supervision form (to be filled out separately by each traveler) - Due September 15th Instrument Information form (to be filled out by students only with the assistance of family. Color Guard does not need to fill this out) - Due October 1st. Click here to access the London google drive with information on the trip. Click here to see an updated list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). (updated 7/22) BIG LONDON TRIP MEETING The London trip meeting will be Thursday, November 16th at 6:00 pm in the HHS Band room or auditorium. Plan for a 2 hour+ meeting and we need EVERY traveler going on the trip at this meeting. We will discuss everything you need to know! Attendance includes extended family going on the trip! Parent Coordinator Our parent trip coordinator for London is Karen Hansberger. She has an amazing team of parents helping her. If you have specific questions about the trip as we get closer, she will be a great resource. She will also be helping collect rooming lists, passport copies, bus lists, shipping documents, and more. Her email is [email protected] What do I need to do right now?
Things We Like
Week one of band camp is in the books and there are some serious band warriors out there!
It's Spirit Week!!!
Monday- Hawaiian Day
Tuesday- Duo Day Wednesday-Adam Sandler Day Thursday-Space Day Friday-Section Day Please read entire newsletter, there is a lot of information here. FUNDRAISING opportunities at the end. HELP!!! There is still a need for several parent volunteers at band camp this week. Here are the current available slots: Tuesday: one 10-12am slots and one 6-9:15pm slot Wednesday: three 10-12am slots Thursday: one 7:45-10am slot and one 10-12am slot Friday: three 10-12am slots Sign up in charms or email [email protected] and Jaime will sign you up. A huge thank you to all the parents who have given of their time!! Link to Charms:â Schedule for the Week
Monday Band Camp 8 am - 9:00 pm (see band camp schedule sent out)
Tuesday Band Camp 8 am - 9:00 pm (see band camp schedule sent out). As a band we will pick up all schedules and get parking together. Wednesday Band Camp 8 am - 9:00 pm (see band camp schedule sent out). Thursday Band Camp 8 am - 9:00 pm (see band camp schedule sent out). Friday Band Camp 8:00 - 3:00 pm (Dismiss early). OPTIONAL DCI TRIP FOR THOSE WHO PAID Dinner this week Reminder that dinner is not provided this week. Students have from 4-6 pm for dinner. Many sections like to eat together at a restaurant, but that is at the discretion of parents. The band room will be closed so all adults can also eat. Lunch is the same routine as last week! Schedule Pick up All marching band students will pick up our schedules together (and parking) on Tuesday at our assigned time. They have pulled the band schedules from the normal grade levels. We will be giving Freshman an additional tour (first tour was during rookie camp) this week where we take them and walk them through their schedule. If you are lucky, you may also get to say hi to your teacher briefly. For those that are new, scheduling pick up is an interesting time at Huntsville High. Although it has gotten better in recent years, many schedules will not be correct because of the computer system that generates the schedules. It will get fixed because we have some outstanding counselors that spend hours upon hours at the beginning of the year getting it right. Please follow the instructions on how to get it fixed as soon as possible (sooner you report it, the sooner it gets fixed) and make sure your student lets me know as well if it's related to band. Be patient and kind to the counselors, but certainly follow up if we are a few days into the school year and it isn't correct yet. Band Schedule "A" Day 1st block - All 9th grade percussion and concert ensemble students 2nd block - Symphonic Band (check the audition results that are posted in the band room if you aren't sure) 3rd block - Wind Ensemble 4th block - planning "B" Day 1st block - All Marching Band students except color guard and percussion 2nd block - planning 3rd block - Color Guard 4th block - Marching percussion students DCI Trip Information We have a couple of spots left for anyone that may still want to go. At this point, you need to email Mr. Tankesley at [email protected] to confirm before you make a payment. We only have a certain number of tickets and cannot over sell! SCHEDULE 3:00 pm Band Camp ends. You will not have time to go home! 4:00 pm Depart on School bus to MTSU (Murfreesboro TN). Bring snacks if you like. 6:00 pm Arrive at MTSU Football Stadium. Bring money for dinner at the event (college football concessions) 7:30 pm First group performs 10:40 pm Scores announced 11:00 pm Depart for home 1:00 am Arrive back at school What to bring - Casual clothes (band camp clothes are fine. The event is outside in a football stadium). Light jacket if you think you might get cold in the evenings or on the bus. Money for dinner at concessions. Mr. Tankesley has all the tickets for the event. Other: The full information for the event can be found here: This is a college stadium with enhanced security. You will not be able to bring in water bottles, there is a clear bag policy, and there are some additional rules. When in doubt, don't take it or leave it on the bus. For full information from MTSU, click here: WE MUST HAVE STUDENT MEDICAL AND HANDBOOK PAPERWORK FROM ROOKIE CAMP OR LAST WEEK's MEETINGS FOR YOU TO ATTEND. You will receive an email this week if we do not have this. This cannot be last year's paperwork. The following people have paid/signed up to go on this trip: (P) = parent/adult. Let us know ASAP if you believe to have paid and are not on this list. Allen, Madison Anderson, Emily Anderson, Will Anderson, Deanna (P) Anderson, David (P) Black, Jacob Blay, Francis Hislop, Tawinita (P) Boudreaux, Gracie Boudreaux, Jace Boudreaux, Katie Boyd Lou (P) Boyd, Lila Brown, Owen Burgess, Clayton Castillo, Elanore Clarke, Lily Foster, Roxie Gaba, Grey Hansberger, Jayne Hansberger, Jeff (P) Johnson, Amelia Kirsch, Sheadon Kynard, Billy McKinley, Coulton McNabb Michael McNabb, Lydia McNabb, Michelle Millar Parent (P) Millar, Gabby Miller, Calen Moody, L Newell, Victoria Parrish, Aurora Parrish, Kelly Pruitt, Ajalon Raburn, Emily Schuyler, Charlie Skulski, Owenn Leszek Skulski (P) Margaret Skulski (P) Smith, Tori Stahl, Anna Stahl, Michael (P) Wood, Braylon Tankesley, Stuart (director) Kirk, Andrew (director) Whitten, Logan (guard staff) Bonner, Annalise (guard staff) Baldwin, Alex (percussion staff) London Connection! (updated 7/22) Next payment of $800 is due by September 1st (do not use Venmo for this payment - it will overload our account!) Easiest way to pay is by check to the band box! September 1st is the last day you can added tol be guaranteed the current price of the trip. It is also the deadline for declaring full program or land only. If you do not have your passport in hand or have not submitted your papers for your passport, do it now! If you do not have your passport in time, this is not covered by insurance and you will not be able to go! Important Forms and Deadlines: Passport/Traveler information form (to be filled out separately by each traveler) - Due September 1st Room mate request and supervision form (to be filled out separately by each traveler) - Due September 15th Instrument Information form (to be filled out by students only with the assistance of family. Color Guard does not need to fill this out) - Due October 1st. Click here to access the London google drive with information on the trip. Click here to see an updated list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). (updated 7/22) BIG LONDON TRIP MEETING The London trip meeting will be Thursday, November 16th at 6:00 pm in the HHS Band room or auditorium. Plan for a 2 hour+ meeting and we need EVERY traveler going on the trip at this meeting. We will discuss everything you need to know! Attendance includes extended family going on the trip! Parent Coordinator Our parent trip coordinator for London is Karen Hansberger. She has an amazing team of parents helping her. If you have specific questions about the trip as we get closer, she will be a great resource. She will also be helping collect rooming lists, passport copies, bus lists, shipping documents, and more. Her email is [email protected] What do I need to do right now?
We are kicking off our calendar fundraiser early! Go ahead and start sharing your calendar with friends, family, and neighbors to get those donations in! The calendar fundraiser is super easy and everyone can participate with donations ranging from $1 to $31. If you fill up the calendar, the band profits $496 and we will award each student who fills up their calendar with a $25 gift card!! How does it work? When someone picks the 10th on the calendar, they donate $10 to the band and you X off that date on your calendar and fill out the back of form with their name and payment information. They can pay with cash, check, or Venmo. At the end of August, turn in your form and any cash or checks into the band box. It's that simple! Click link below to print out a calendar ![]()
Boston Butt
We can begin taking pre-orders for our Boston Butt fundraiser now through October 24. Chuckwagon will be providing our butts this year and pick up will be on November 4 in front of the Freshman Academy from 9-11. You can use the attached flier to begin taking orders. Please attach money to order form before putting in band box. If using Venmo, please include name of buyer, name of band student, and boston butt in the memo line. Click the link below to access the order form ![]()
Things We LikeWoohoo Band Camp is finally here!! It's going to be such a great year. This leadership team is ready to roll. Go Big Red! URGENT NEED FOR VOLUNTEER HELP!There is an urgent need for parent volunteers to staff the first aid tent and to serve lunches at band camp. If you have any free time to volunteer please check the available time slots in Charms or email Jaime Davis at [email protected] and she will get you signed up. Please note that you may not be able to see the volunteer slots if you are using the Charms app. It has been discontinued and is no longer supported or able to be updated in the app store. Please volunteer and help us make this year's band camp a success! FITTINGS,FORM,AND FEES NIGHT(For all band students-this includes CONCERT ONLY STUDENTS)Students and Parents should come to their assigned night during Week 1 of Band Camp. This is super important. In addition to fitting your student with a uniform, you will be able to fill out mandatory paperwork, pay band dues #2 ($250), order your band polo, order a band show shirt, buy band merchandise, make sure we have your information up-to-date, and have any questions answered! Both marching and concert uniforms will be fitted and sent home on the same evening so it's very important for concert only students and parents to attend. Please try on your bibbers and shoes before the fitting night to be sure they still fit properly for this year. If something doesn't fit, please bring it with you to the fitting. We will be accepting Check, cash, venmo, or paypal for purchases. If you would like to fill out forms ahead of time to bring with you, please click on the link below to print them out. Freshmen that attended rookie camp may have already submitted some of these forms. Everyone else needs to fill them out (even if you filled it out last year!) View all forms here The schedule by grade level is as follows: Monday, July 17th from 4:30-6:30 Seniors and Juniors (Seniors will be taking their photo for the media guide during this time - head shot with your band polos. We will have extras on site if you need one) Tuesday, July 18th from 4:30 - 6:30 Sophomores Wednesday, July 19th from 4:30 - 6:30 Freshmen Parents and Students should drop by anytime during the 2 hour range of time. You should not be there the entire time. If everyone comes right at 4:30, expect long lines. We encourage some of you to go grab some dinner first. **If you can't come to your assigned time, you can come to another grade level's night. Please email Kelly Parrish at [email protected] BAND PARENT MEETINGThere will be a band parent meeting in the bandroom this Thursday, July 20th at 6:00 pm. This will be a very informative meeting to get the year kicked off and all parents are strongly encouraged to attend. Students may attend also if they wish. There will also be an update on the London trip at this meeting. INDIVIDUAL BAND PICTURESBand pictures will happen on Tuesday, August 1st from 2-4 pm in the band room. All marching students must come and take their photo. This is a come and go event but is mandatory for all marching students. These pictures will take place before the scheduled band practice that day. You will be your full marching band uniform and need your instrument. Please let Kelly Parish know if you are unable to attend or have questions [email protected] What I need for Band Camp
DCI- Drum Corp International OpportunityNew this year - On the last official day of band camp - Friday, July 28th - we will end band camp at 3:00 pm (instead of going until 9:00 pm). We have 50 spots available for students (and some chaperones) to attend Master of the Summer Games DCI Competition at MTSU in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The cost is $50 per person (cost of the ticket + school bus). We will eat dinner at the concessions at MTSU's stadium. Our return time will be after midnight (probably 1:30 am) We will take the first 50 people to turn in money to the band box in the band room to go (students must have turned in your band paperwork). You can not use charms credits for this trip. The google form that was sent out in May was just an interest form and does not guarantee you a spot. If we have an overwhelming response, we will look at increasing the numbers of tickets/buses next year. For more information about this event and DCI, visit Car ShowThere will be a car show on September 9th at Milton Frank Stadium. The band will preform at this event at 8:00 p.m. Please spread the word to get as many people involved as possible. All funds come directly back to the band. Contact Les Skulski([email protected]) if you would like to get posters to hang up at your place of employment or at local businesses. Show ShirtsThis year's show shirt can be ordered by clicking on the link below. Shirts are $20 and can be paid by cash, check or venmo. The deadline to order the shirts is Sunday, July 21st. Click the link below to order this year's show shirt. 2023-2024 Show Shirt T-Shirt Sign Up ( LONDON TRIP-Personal Fundraising OpportunityWe will have an optional fundraiser for any student who would like to reach out to family and/or friends to ask for donations to the band. Any donations received would be credited directly to your student’s Charms account and can be used towards your trip. You would provide the list of names and addresses that you want us to mail out from your student. Once your list is received, we will handle getting it mailed out, even including a return envelope for your recipient to be able to easily mail back a donation. We will be available to take the name & address list from your student during lunch time on Monday, July 24 and Tuesday, July 25 (2nd week of band camp). If your student is not in marching band, we will also make ourselves available in the band room during Panther Hour a couple of days once school has started. Watch the newsletter for those dates/times once school starts. If you have questions or would like to discuss in more detail, please contact Christine Starnes (HHS BPA co-treasurer) at [email protected]. Click the link below for this year's full band camp schedule![]()
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December 2024
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