Things We Like
Monday - Symphonic Band 4-5:30. Goodies with Guard at Bob Jones. (Winter Guard)
Tuesday - No Wind Ensemble Winter Guard 4-6. Wednesday - Off. Thursday - Wind Ensemble 4:00 - 5:30 Friday - LONDON PAYMENT DUE - SEE INFO BELOW!! BAND CONTRACTS DUE! Pep Band @Blossomwood Elementary. Saturday - Solo and Ensemble for those that signed up - Liberty Middle School. SCGC Winter Guard Finals @ Western Kentucky University! Go Winter Guard! London Connection! NEW INFORMATION!!! Remember, even if you plan to do concert band only, if you are planning to march the parade in London, you need to attend week 1 of band camp! Payment #3 of $400 is due by THIS FRIDAY, March 31st! For this payment, please also include email addresses of travelers in your party who do not receive our emails. We need to make sure we have a communication trail to everyone! To be an active member of the trip, every traveler must have submitted $1000 by March 31st. It's not too late to join. We are currently at 170 travelers. Parent Coordinator Our parent trip coordinator for London is Karen Hansberger. If you have specific questions about the trip as we get closer, she will be a great resource. She will also be helping collect rooming lists, passport copies, bus lists, shipping documents, and more. Her email is [email protected] Next Payment Friday, March 31st is the next Payment- $400 per traveler. Performances The band will perform multiple times in London - the parade being the biggest performance. We are also planning a concert performance and some possible pop up performances. Information We have ADDED A SAMPLE ITINERARY TO THE DRIVE! London information can be found in our google drive. Click here to access google drive What do I need to do right now? 1. Get your passport now! It should be valid 6 months past our return date! 2. Investigate your best option for overseas phone possibilities. Each phone company has different options. You will need to have access to phone communication while you are in London! 3. Research and investigate your credit card and financial options. Each bank and card is different. Make sure your card won't lock you out when you get to London FAQ: Can I still sign up? Yes - but you must pay for all missed deposits on your first payment or else you can't be locked into the trip. At some point, there will be price increases, room assignments done, airline flights arranged, and other logistical things related to the trip completed. After we do those things, anyone added will just be accommodated the best we can. Our contract is for 150 people so we must be atleast at this number of travelers. If you have not signed up, the sooner you can do this the better for us because numbers dictate many things! We will at least be taking additional travelers through Band Camp. When do you have to declare if you are doing land only or full trip? I don't have an exact date, but my best estimate is early Fall 2023. When do I need my passport by? We will start collecting passport copies in August. If you are committed to going, you need to have your passport by then. We will still be able to add at that point, but anyone going must be able to get a passport in time. Will I have free time in London? There will be a variety of structured and unstructured time in London. Please remember this is a group band/school trip, not an individual or family vacation. Those traveling are expected to participate in all group events (unless health issues don't allow). You should also have plenty of time to move around London in smaller or family groups to do things not on the itinerary (London Eye, show in West end, etc). Take a look at the sample itinerary in the google drive for a better idea. You will have plenty of time to see and do what you would like to do! Some things in London are better experienced in small groups rather than large groups. More about this later.... Rooms Because of the size and nature of hotel rooms in London, hotel rooms will be 2 people per room (2 single beds or a double). Some hotels have limited family rooms available, but we can't guarantee there will be enough to accommodate all family situations. We will be collecting room requests in the Fall. We will know our hotel by Fall. Final Fundraiser of the Year The crazy sock fundraiser is currently in progress. All students were given a sheet of information on how it works and we had a kick-off meeting last Wednesday. There will be a 60/40 split on this fundraiser with 60% going towards your individual account and 40% going to the band. As always we appreciate your help to raise money for your account and the band! Encourage your student to load as many contacts as possible into their account and share it on text messages, email, and social media! The deadline is Friday, April 7th. COMMEMORATIVE BRICKS! Be on the lookout for the link to order your commemorative bricks next week! These bricks will be professionally engraved and installed in the main courtyard at HHS. These tributes to your student will leave their mark on the grounds of HHS and is a great way to honor their years of hard work! BAND BANQUET! Mark your calendars for the best Band Banquet ever! See you Friday Night, May 12 at StoveHouse! Many more details soon to come! BAND CONTRACTS!!! Now is the time to make your commitment for band next year. The contract is due by March 31 and the latest marching band numbers can be adjusted is audition week (first week of May). You can fill out and email back or turn into the band box at school. Remember, even if you plan to do concert only, if you are planning to march the parade in London, you need to attend week 1 of band camp! Band Contracts can be accessed here. Hard copies are available at school. Winter Guard Information Information for Goodies with the Guard and SCGC finals are on the website Our last afterschool practice for the year will be this Tuesday! Color Guard Auditions for 23-24 April 24-28 in the Freshman Academy from 4-6 each day. We encourage every member to find one current HHS student that you know to come audition. Please contact Mrs. Jeffress if you have any questions regarding the schedule or transportation. [email protected] Wind Ensemble after school rehearsals We are going to transition to 1 after school rehearsal per week for Wind Ensemble. We will rehearse the following dates: Thursday, March 30th Tuesday, April 4th Thursday, April 13th Thursday, April 20th. Upcoming Events Week of April 24-28 - Color Guard Auditions 4-6 Tuesday, April 25th - Spring Concert Thursday, April 27-Saturday, April 29th - All State Band (for those involved)\ Week of May 1-5 concert Auditions in Class Thursday, May 4th - Percussion / Chamber Music Concert Friday, May 5th - Senior Fine Arts Signing Day (4th block). Marching Uniform Return Procedures:
o Uniform Jacket (ensure mirrored accessory is on jacket) o Uniform Gauntlets (2 pcs) o Uniform Shako (hat) in protective plastic carrying case (ensure mirrored accessory is on Shako)
Washing Instructions:
Donation Procedures:
Ordering Procedures:
Concert Uniform Return Procedures:
o Jacket and Pants must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning tag must remain on uniform for proof of dry cleaning. If item is returned without dry cleaning tag, a $15 charge will be charge to your charms account.
o Dress must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning tag must remain on uniform for proof of dry cleaning. If item is returned without dry cleaning tag, a $15 charge will be charge to your charms account. Band Camp / Summer Schedule 2023 April 24 - 28 Color Guard Auditions 4-6 Freshman Academy. Tuesday, May 30 - Friday, June 2 Rookie Camp (new members only), Marching Percussion Placement Camp from 1-4, and Guard Camp (percussion times edited 2/24) July 6-8 - Leadership Camp (leadership team only) July 12-14 Make up rookie camp (new members only) and Marching Percussion Camp (8-12). (percussion times edited 2/24) July 17 - 21 Band Camp Week 1 - All Marching Band Students + any concert only students going to London that want to march in the parade. July 24-28 Band Camp Week 2 - All Marching Band Students July 31 and August 1 - Rehearsals before school starts. August 2 - 1st day of school Student involved with marching band are required to attend these dates in full! Students who miss because of summer activities may be removed from the halftime show. We have worked hard over the past few years to improve our summer schedule to give a full break and options for camps and vacations. Our dead time this coming summer is June 3 - July 5 although some students have much longer than this! â
Things We Like
This amazing group of seniors got to celebrate all their accomplishments in NYC last week!! What a fantastic group of ambassadors for the HHS Band. Looks like a fun time was had by all!
Schedule for the Week
Monday - Symphonic Band 4-5:30.
Tuesday - Wind Ensemble 4:00-5:30 pm. Winter Guard 4-6. Wednesday - Off. Full Band meeting during Panther hour (11:30-12:00) Thursday - Chamber Music Trip to Montgomery (brass quintet, woodwind quintet, saxophone quarter). No wind ensemble rehearsal. Friday - Off Saturday - Winter Guard Competition at Spain Park! Final Fundraiser of the Year Our other fundraiser this semester, the 2nd Boston Butt sale, fell through because of supplier issues. Since we are going to London next year, we wanted to make sure you have as many opportunities to fundraise for your account as possible. We are inviting our current 8th grade students to participate as well. There will be a 60/40 split on this fundraiser with 60% going towards your individual account and 40% going to the band. As always, we appreciate your help to raise money for your account and the band! We will kick this off Wednesday in a full meeting with the band with Charlie Colwell (also known as "the mattress guy"). We will be selling crazy and fun socks in pairs of 3 for $25 each. One of the best parts of this fundraiser is that this company wants to give back to our community. For every pack purchased, 1 additional pair will be donated to the Huntsville Rescue Mission. All of this fundraiser can be done through social media. Socks are shipped DIRECTLY to the purchaser! You will see more information coming out this week. It will run for 2+ weeks - starting Wednesday, March 22 and ending Friday, April 7th. BAND BANQUET! Mark your calendars for the best Band Banquet ever! See you Friday Night, May 12 at StoveHouse! Many more details soon to come! BAND CONTRACTS!!! Now is the time to make your commitment for band next year. The contract is due by March 31 and the latest marching band numbers can be adjusted is audition week (first week of May). You can fill out and email back or turn into the band box at school. Remember, even if you plan to do concert only, if you are planning to march the parade in London, you need to attend week 1 of band camp! Band Contracts can be accessed here. Hard copies are available at school. Winter Guard Information Competition this Saturday at Spain Park (Hoover area)!!! Information can be found on the website - PERFORMANCE AT BOB JONES, MONDAY MARCH 27TH! INFORMATION IN NEXT NEWSLETTER! IMPORTANT The tentative schedule for SCGC Finals at Western Kentucky on Saturday, April 1st in Bowling Green, Kentucky has us performing around 10:30 am with check in at 9! This is early especially for a location that is 3 hours away from us. We are planning to meet there as we always do. If you want to leave that morning, you are probably looking at a 5:30 am departure. However, I wanted to give you a heads up in case some of you may want to split hotel the night before either in Bowling Green or somewhere like Nashville that's about 75 minutes away. I believe there are some very reasonably priced hotel rooms in the Bowling Green area. Awards for our classification at Finals is around 3:15 pm. Food options can be found here: Color Guard Auditions for 23-24 April 24-28 in the Freshman Academy from 4-6 each day. We encourage every member to find one current HHS student that you know to come audition. Competition and Rehearsal Schedule *Every Tuesday from 4-6 pm Winter Guard has rehearsal. The final after school rehearsal will be Tuesday, March 28th! March 27th - Goodies with the Guard at Bob Jones HS (Madison) April 1 - Championships at Western Kentucky University. (Bowling Green) Please contact Mrs. Jeffress if you have any questions regarding the schedule or transportation. [email protected] Chamber Music Trip - Performance Thursday Congratulations to the members of our Brass Quintet, Woodwind Quintet, and Saxophone Quartet for being selected to perform at the Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery on Thursday. They will be performing for our state legislature as they depart for lunch as well as a performance nearby. Equipment: We are taking all instruments on the school bus. We also must take any stands and chairs we need. Dress: We will perform in tuxedos and dresses, but you will have an opportunity to change in and out of them. Parents We could use some parents to go to help move stands/chairs/instruments! Please email me if you can join us. I have Mrs. Starnes and Mr. Pleva joining us so far. Schedule 6:45 am - Meet in band room 7:00 am - Depart on a school bus. We will stop at a rest stop to change into tuxes/dresses. Bring a snack for a late lunch. 10:30 am - Arrive at the state Capital 11:10 am - Performance #1 (Gordon Pearsons Building) After performance walk to Alabama Capitol (2 blocks approximately). If weather is bad we would ride the bus. 12:00 pm - Performance #2 (Alabama Capitol Rotunda) 1:00 pm - Depart for Lunch - Bring $$ for fast food. Most likely stopping at the Prattville exit. 5:00 pm - Back at Huntsville High School. London Connection! Remember, even if you plan to do concert only, if you are planning to march the parade in London, you need to attend week 1 of band camp! Next Payment Friday, March 31st is the next Payment- $400 per traveler. What do I need to do right now? 1. Get your passport now! It should be valid 6 months past our return date! 2. Investigate your best option for overseas phone possibilities. Each phone company has different options. You will need to have access to phone communication while you are in London! 3. Research and investigate your credit card and financial options. Each bank and card is different. Make sure your card won't lock you out when you get to London FAQ: Can I still sign up? Yes - but you must pay for all missed deposits on your first payment or else you can't be locked into the trip. At some point, there will be price increases, room assignments done, airline flights arranged, and other logistical things related to the trip completed. After we do those things, anyone added will just be accommodated the best we can. Our contract is for 150 people so we must be atleast at this number of travelers. If you have not signed up, the sooner you can do this the better for us because numbers dictate many things! When do you have to declare if you are doing land only or full trip? I don't have an exact date, but my best estimate is early Fall 2023. London information can be found in our google drive. Click here to access google drive Upcoming Events March 27 - Winter Guard - "Goodies with the Guard" performance at Bob Jones March 31st - Volunteer Pep Band to Blossomwood in the afternooon. April 1 - Winter Guard - SCGC FINALS at Western Kentucky University Band Camp / Summer Schedule 2023 April 24 - 28 Color Guard Auditions 4-6 Freshman Academy. Tuesday, May 30 - Friday, June 2 Rookie Camp (new members only), Marching Percussion Placement Camp from 1-4, and Guard Camp (percussion times edited 2/24) July 6-8 - Leadership Camp (leadership team only) July 12-14 Make up rookie camp (new members only) and Marching Percussion Camp (8-12). (percussion times edited 2/24) July 17 - 21 Band Camp Week 1 - All Marching Band Students + any concert only students going to London that want to march in the parade. July 24-28 Band Camp Week 2 - All Marching Band Students July 31 and August 1 - Rehearsals before school starts. August 2 - 1st day of school Student involved with marching band are required to attend these dates in full! Students who miss because of summer activities may be removed from the halftime show. We have worked hard over the past few years to improve our summer schedule to give a full break and options for camps and vacations. Our dead time this coming summer is June 3 - July 5 although some students have much longer than this! Things We Like
Who doesn't love low brass? Want to know more? Follow them on instagram at huntsvillehs_lowbrass
Schedule for the Week
Monday - Symphonic Band 4-5:30.
Tuesday - Symphonic Band Performance at MPA. Winter Guard 4-6. No Wind Ensemble rehearsal. Wednesday - Winter Guard Performance at HJHS - 8:00 am. Meet at 7:30 am Thursday - Off (no Wind Ensemble rehearsal). New York Meeting 6:00 pm. Friday - Off. E-learning day. MPA for Symphonic Band Performance: The performance is in the Hartselle High School Auditorium in Hartselle. The address of the school is 1000 Bethel Road. Hartselle, Al 35640 The performance on stage is open to the public and free of charge. Map: A link to inside and outside of Hartselle High School can be found here. Transportation: 2 school buses and our band truck for large/medium instruments and some percussion. What to wear: We will change before we leave into our formal concert uniform (tuxedos/ dress and black shoes). Guys don't forget cummerbund, bow ties, and black socks. Food: We will have pizza in the band room prior to changing. Other things: Make sure you bring music, mutes, and other music accessories. The performance is required and a large part of your 9 weeks grade. Any student not going must have any absence approved by a director. We have an opportunity for 3 volunteers to accompany us on this important trip. Please sign up through CHARMS or contact Audrey Beumer [email protected] Schedule: Tuesday, March 7th (B day) 8:30 Come to school as normal - bring your tuxedo/dress, and all accessories in your red garment bag. Hang in the band room. 2:10 pm - After 3rd block, report directly to the band room. You have been excused from 4th block today. Eat Pizza (first!) then change into your Tuxdeo or Concert Dress. 3:15 pm - Depart HHS on 2 school buses. Medium and large instruments will be able to go on the trailer. Do not take backpacks/extra items that you don't need. 4:15 pm - Arrive at Hartselle HS 4:45 pm - Warm up 5:15 pm - PERFORMANCE in the Hartselle Auditorium (open to the public!) 5:45 pm - Sight read (closed to public) 7:00 pm - Depart Hartselle HS 7:45 pm - Arrive back at HHS. Get instrument off truck before leaving. BAND CONTRACTS!!! Now is the time to make your commitment for band next year. The contract is due by March 31 and the latest marching band numbers can be adjusted is audition week (first week of May). You can fill out and email back or turn into the band box at school. Remember, even if you plan to do concert only, if you are planning to march the parade in London, you need to attend week 1 of band camp! Band Contracts can be accessed here. We will also give hard copies out at school Solo and Ensemble!!! Solo and Ensemble is Saturday, April 1st at Liberty Middle School. If you would like to participate, fill this form out by the end of the day on Friday, March 10th. The cost is $10 per solo or $5 per student per ensemble. 2023-24 Course Registration and Band Contract Band Contracts will be distributed after MPA will be due by the last day of March. It will include the same options as before (no changes). Marching Band option or Concert only option. Course registration numbers Just a friendly reminder to ignore the class titles. Student who want to be in marching band except for color guard) should register both Marching Band and the numbers under your class (Seniors, juniors, sophomores, freshmen). Each number represents 1 semester, but you must sign up for both numbers for each - the system will override it otherwise. Color Guard class (Marching/winter guard): Instrumental Chamber Ensemble 1 05106G10 . It should be a full year 1.0 credit class. Only 1 number needed. 12th Grade in 2023-24 Marching Band V - 05103G0505 Concert Band V - 05102G0505 11th Grade in 2023-24 Marching Band IV - 05103G0504 Concert Band IV - 05102G0504 10th Grade in 2023-24 Marching Band III - 05103G503 Concert Band III - 05102G0503 9th Grade in 2023-24: Marching Band II - 05103G0502 Concert Band II - 05102G0502 Marching Band (Brass, Woodwinds, and Percussion only. Guard see other number): Marching Band I - 05103G0501 Concert Band I - 05102G0501 Winter Guard Information Recruiting performances The Winter Guard will be performing at Hampton Cove during Toro Time on Wednesday, March 1st and during HJHS Advisory time on Wednesday, March 8th. This is our chance to be in front of the 8th grade students and recruit students to color guard next year! We will need to meet at 7:30 am at each school with our equipment and floor to set up. We will have our performance of the winter guard show and information session between 8:00 - 8:30 am at each school. You will be a little late to 1st block both of these days. We plan to carpool back to school. Color Guard Auditions for 23-24 April 24-28 in the Freshman Academy from 4-6 each day. We encourage every member to find one current HHS student that you know to come audition. Course Registration Anyone interested in guard for 23-24 (including current members) should register for the following class at course registration (this is a different course than last year). It is encouraged to go ahead and register for the class even though you may not have auditioned yet. Instrumental Chamber Ensemble 1 05106G10 . It should be a full year 1.0 credit class. Competition and Rehearsal Schedule *Every Tuesday from 4-6 pm Winter Guard has rehearsal March 25 - Spain Park HS (Hoover) Marching 27th - Goodies with the Guard at Bob Jones HS (Madison) April 1 - Championships at Western Kentucky University. (Bowling Green) Please contact Mrs. Jeffress if you have any questions regarding the schedule or transportation. [email protected] London Connection! Remember, even if you plan to do concert only, if you are planning to march the parade in London, you need to attend week 1 of band camp! Next Payment Friday, March 31st is the next Payment- $400 per traveler. What do I need to do right now? 1. Get your passport now! It should be valid 6 months past our return date! 2. Investigate your best option for overseas phone possibilities. Each phone company has different options. You will need to have access to phone communication while you are in London! 3. Research and investigate your credit card and financial options. Each bank and card is different. Make sure your card won't lock you out when you get to London FAQ: Can I still sign up? Yes - but you must pay for all missed deposits on your first payment or else you can't be locked into the trip. At some point, there will be price increases, room assignments done, airline flights arranged, and other logistical things related to the trip completed. After we do those things, anyone added will just be accommodated the best we can. Our contract is for 150 people so we must be atleast at this number of travelers. If you have not signed up, the sooner you can do this the better for us because numbers dictate many things! When do you have to declare if you are doing land only or full trip? I don't have an exact date, but my best estimate is early Fall 2023. London information can be found in our google drive. Click here to access google drive Upcoming Events March 13-17 Senior New York Trip / Spring Break March 23 - Chamber Ensembles performance in Montgomery at state capital. March 24 - Possible volunteer Pep band to Jones Valley Elem. at 1:30 pm March 25 - Winter Guard Competition at Spain Park March 27 - Winter Guard - "Goodies with the Guard" performance at Bob Jones March 31st - Volunteer Pep Band to Blossomwood in the afternooon. April 1 - Winter Guard - SCGC FINALS at Western Kentucky University Band Camp / Summer Schedule 2023 April 24 - 28 Color Guard Auditions 4-6 Freshman Academy. Tuesday, May 30 - Friday, June 2 Rookie Camp (new members only), Marching Percussion Placement Camp from 1-4, and Guard Camp (percussion times edited 2/24) July 6-8 - Leadership Camp (leadership team only) July 12-14 Make up rookie camp (new members only) and Marching Percussion Camp (8-12). (percussion times edited 2/24) July 17 - 21 Band Camp Week 1 - All Marching Band Students + any concert only students going to London that want to march in the parade. July 24-28 Band Camp Week 2 - All Marching Band Students July 31 and August 1 - Rehearsals before school starts. August 2 - 1st day of school Student involved with marching band are required to attend these dates in full! Students who miss because of summer activities may be removed from the halftime show. We have worked hard over the past few years to improve our summer schedule to give a full break and options for camps and vacations. Our dead time this coming summer is June 3 - July 5 although some students have much longer than this! |
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