What is CutTime?
For the 2024-25 school year, we have migrated our record keeping software from Charms to CutTime. This will be the new home for:
CutTime communicates through SMS Text, so we will need a valid phone number for both the Student and Guardians. Announcements of events, time sensitive communications, and Weekly Newsletter reminders are examples of communication send via SMS Text.
Want more information? Click here for an introductory video.
- Announcements
- Schedule of Events
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Finance / Record Keeping
CutTime communicates through SMS Text, so we will need a valid phone number for both the Student and Guardians. Announcements of events, time sensitive communications, and Weekly Newsletter reminders are examples of communication send via SMS Text.
Want more information? Click here for an introductory video.
Helpful Links and FAQs
Missed / Can’t Find Your CutTime Magic Link?
Repy ‘Stop’ and Opted Out of CutTime Magic Link Messages by Mistake?
Want to Subscribe to your CutTime Calendar?
Does CutTime have an App?
- No worries, Guardians can go to: https://app.gocuttime.com/guardian/resend-magic-link to resend it to your device on file.
- Students must use a different spot to resend their magic link which is: https://app.gocuttime.com/student/resend-magic-link
Repy ‘Stop’ and Opted Out of CutTime Magic Link Messages by Mistake?
- No biggie, you can go back to your last message from CutTime and reply with ‘UNSTOP’ to resume the messages whenever you want.
Want to Subscribe to your CutTime Calendar?
- CutTime offers Guardians a calendar to help keep track of ONLY the events that apply to their student's activity.
- Want to subscribe? Here is how: support.gocuttime.com/article/298-subscribing-to-individual-calendar
Does CutTime have an App?
- No, CutTime does not have an app. However, you can Bookmark your custom link and easily access CutTime with one click.
- Need help creating the bookmark? Here is how: support.gocuttime.com/article/293-bookmarking