Things We Like
Monday - 23-24 Concert Auditions in class (8th grade woodwinds after school)
Tuesday - 23-24 Concert Auditions in class (8th grade brass after school) Wednesday -23-24 Concert Auditions in class (8th grade makeup day after school) Thursday - 23-24 Concert Auditions in class (8thgrade Percussion after school). PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE CONCERT AFTER SCHOOL Friday- 23-24 Concert Auditions in class 2023 Huntsville High School Band Banquet - A Night On The Red Carpet Come walk the red carpet and re-live great moments from the year! This will be a great night to highlight the year and honor our seniors. The band banquet is for all band members and their families, seniors attend for free. When: Friday, May 12th Where: The Royal Room at Stovehouse Time: Social begins at 6:00, Dinner begins at 6:30 (Digital Photo Booth from 6-8) Dress: Sunday Best to Hollywood's Finest - Celebrities Welcome (No jeans or shorts please) Menu: Olive Garden Pasta Bar (including salad & breadsticks), Cake, and Drinks Cost: $40.00 per person (Seniors are free) Please RSVP by filling out the google form below and send payment by cash or check to the band box by Thursday, May 4th. We will NOT be allowing Band Banquet tickets to be "charged" to a CHARMS account. Link to form: 2023 Huntsville High School Band Banquet A Night on the Red Carpet ( Pictures Pictures made Tuesday before the spring concert can be found at the following link: KWaldrup Studio & Design Kris Waldrup McHugh Studio: 256-517-8776 Studio Text: 256-384-4416 Please see the attached file at the bottom of the newsletter to find your student's code to access the pictures. End of Year Items MARCHING UNIFORMS These were due back by March 31st and we still have some students who have not returned them. They must be dry cleaned, a receipt included, and garment bag included. Don't forget to return your shako and gauntlets. Detailed instructions were handed to students and included in March newsletters.Questions? [email protected] Color Guard only Please return both your marching and winter guard uniform to Mr. Tankesley (or put on the band table with your name on it). They should be clean when you return them. If you have any additional equipment that belongs to the band other than our stand equipment that stays in the guard room, make sure we check that back in. Questions? [email protected] Concert Band Uniforms Please dry clean and return in the garment bag by Friday, May 12th. Do not turn in tuxedo shirts or shoes unless you would like to donate them. Questions? [email protected] School owned instruments Students who played a school owned instrument (concert or marching) excluding percussion need to take these to Southeastern Instrumental Services to have them evaluated. You are responsible for any repairs made. Seniors need to do this now. Everyone else should do it after they audition next week. Marching instruments can go now. Do not wait too long on this as Southeastern gets backed up with repairs in the summer. The longer you wait, the longer it will take to get it back. You are also welcome to use Gadsden music to do repairs, but they are less familiar with our process. We need this done prior to the last day of school on May 24th. Southeastern Instrumental Services 3308 9th Ave SW Huntsville, AL 35805 +12565395906 8:30 am - 5:00 pm M-F After you have done this, check in your instrument with Mr. Kirk. Make sure you include the receipt given to you by Southeastern. Questions? [email protected] Music/other items If you have original music or other items that belong to the band, please make sure they get returned. Seniors! We would like to feature ALL seniors on social media over the next month. If you would like to be featured, please fill this form out: Make sure you are on top of returning all uniforms and equipment to the band room over the next month. Make sure all band dues are paid. Fine Arts Signing Day (This date has been changed due to AP testing) is scheduled for Friday, May 12th around 2:30 pm in the Auditorium. Click here to register to participate by this Friday, May 5. This is for any senior who has a post-high school plan to participate in the arts (College Marching Band, College Color Guard, Independent or college Indoor percussion/winter guard, college Concert band, college Jazz band, military bands). Parents should plan to attend. There will be a ceremony in the auditorium followed by a reception with cake/snacks. You will be excused from 4th block this day. Senior Showcase - Wednesday, May 10th. This special concert is open to small group and individual performances from our Seniors involved in all performing arts programs at Huntsville High. Sign up will be soon. We encourage you to participate. Click here to sign up by May 8th Color Guard Please return the Fall and Winter uniforms to the band room if you haven't. Make sure they are clean when returned! Color Guard will take individual pictures for our composite photo during class on Friday, May 12. Please wear all black. Color Guard 23-24 will be posted on social media this week. London Connection! (updated 3/26) Remember, even if you plan to do concert band only, if you are planning to march the parade in London, you need to attend week 1 of band camp! Click here to see an updated list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). All information on the trip can be found in our google drive: Click here to access google drive - Parent Coordinator Our parent trip coordinator for London is Karen Hansberger. If you have specific questions about the trip as we get closer, she will be a great resource. She will also be helping collect rooming lists, passport copies, bus lists, shipping documents, and more. Her email is [email protected] Next Payment To be included in our travel count with the travel company, each traveler must have paid $1000 at this point. The next payment of $800 is due September 1, 2023. What do I need to do right now? 1. Get your passport now! It should be valid 6 months past our return date! There are major delays with passports - watch this recent news report 2. Investigate your best option for overseas phone possibilities. Each phone company has different options. You will need to have access to phone communication while you are in London! 3. Research and investigate your credit card and financial options. Each bank and card is different. Make sure your card won't lock you out when you get to London Upcoming Events Friday, May 12th - Senior Fine Arts Signing Day (4th block). Monday, May 8 - Thursday, May 12 - leadership training for those interested in leadership team. 4-5 pm after school. Tuesday, May 9 - HJHS Band Concert (Auditorium) Thursday, May 11 - HCMS Band Concert (Auditorium) Wednesday, May 10 - Drum Major Auditions Friday, May 12 - Band Banquet at Stovehouse banquet hall (all band students and families invited) Thursday, May 25th - Graduation 5:30 pm VBC arena. All non-graduating Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble members are required to perform. Dress is business casual (no jeans, no t-shirts, no tennis/athletic shoes). Band Camp / Summer Schedule 2023 Tuesday, May 30 - Friday, June 2 Rookie Camp (new members only), Marching Percussion Placement Camp from 1-4, and Guard Camp 8-2 (percussion times edited 2/24; guard times added 4/20) July 6-8 - Leadership Camp (leadership team only) July 12-14 Make up rookie camp (new members only) and Marching Percussion Camp (8-12). (percussion times edited 2/24) July 17 - 21 Band Camp Week 1 - All Marching Band Students + any concert only students going to London that want to march in the parade. July 24-28 Band Camp Week 2 - All Marching Band Students July 31 and August 1 - Rehearsals before school starts. August 1- Marching Band pictures will be made from 2-4pm for the Football Media Guide and for family purchase. This is MANDATORY. August 2 - 1st day of school Student involved with marching band are required to attend these dates in full! Students who miss because of summer activities may be removed from the halftime show. We have worked hard over the past few years to improve our summer schedule to give a full break and options for camps and vacations. Our dead time this coming summer is June 3 - July 5 although some students have much longer than this! ![]()
Things We LikeHHS Crimson Panther Marching Band students got the opportunity to play alongside the Million Dollar Band at Alabama's spring A-Day Game. Pictured left to right: Jayne Hansberger, Iyana Lucas, Jillian Boles, Will Anderson, and present but not pictured Noah Little. Schedule for the WeekMonday - Symphonic Band 4-5:00 (we will finish early today). Color guard tryouts 4-6 in the Freshman Acad.
Tuesday - Spring Concert and Pictures! Color guard tryouts 4-6 Wednesday - Color guard tryouts 4-6 Thursday - All State Band at the VBC for those participating. Color guard tryouts 4-6 Friday - All State Band at the VBC for those participating. Color guard tryouts 4-6 Saturday - All State Band at the VBC for those participating Spring Concert - Tuesday, April 25th The spring concert is coming up Tuesday, April 25th at 7:00 pm in the HHS Auditorium. The concert is free and open to the public. You can share the concert with your family and friends on social media. 5:00 - 6:30 pm - Individual pictures in the lobby. ALL students must get their picture before 6:30 pm in their concert uniform. This is very important for our 22-23 composite photo as well as a chance to get a nice photo of your student. 6:30 pm - Symphonic Band on Stage / Wind Ensemble in Band room 7:00 pm - Concert 8:30 pm - Concert concludes Student Dress: Students will wear their formal concert uniforms (dresses/tuxes and all accessories). Color Guard Try Outs and Uniforms April 24-28 in the Freshman Cafeteria from 4-6 pm. If you know someone who might want to join us next year, encourage them to try out! Please return the Fall and Winter uniforms to the band room this week. Make sure they are clean when returned! 2023 Huntsville High School Band Banquet - A Night On The Red Carpet Come walk the red carpet and re-live great moments from the year! This will be a great night to highlight the year and honor our seniors. The band banquet is for all band members and their families, seniors attend for free. When: Friday, May 12th Where: The Royal Room at Stovehouse Time: Social begins at 6:00, Dinner begins at 6:30 (Digital Photo Booth from 6-8) Dress: Sunday Best to Hollywood's Finest - Celebrities Welcome (No jeans or shorts please) Menu: Olive Garden Pasta Bar (including salad & breadsticks), Cake, and Drinks Cost: $40.00 per person (Seniors are free) Please RSVP by filling out the google form below and send payment by cash or check to the band box by Thursday, May 4th. We will NOT be allowing Band Banquet tickets to be "charged" to a CHARMS account. Link to form: 2023 Huntsville High School Band Banquet A Night on the Red Carpet ( End of Year Items - Uniforms Please help our volunteers by getting all uniforms back in a timely manner. The spring concert is the last time to wear your tuxedo/concert dress for the year. These must be dry cleaned and returned (with receipt) by Friday, May 12th in the bag that was given to you. Do not return tuxedo shirts or shoes unless you would like to donate them. Please help our volunteers by getting these back on time. Color Guard needs to return their Marching and Winter guard uniform this week. Marching uniforms were due back on March 31st. We are still missing uniforms from the following students. Please help our volunteers out by getting these back. Ciena C DJ C Ashlyn H Sheadon K Kyleigh K Tara M Colleen P Ash P James S Jack T Abigail Vice Grant Lenard Iyana L (Shako only) Alawyn (shako only) Charles W. (shako only) Clayton (shako only) Grace B. (shako only) All State Festival Information Congratulations to Tori, Allie, Matthew, Grace, Kristina, Jillian, and Maggie for earning their spot through auditions back in January to participate in this year's Alabama All State Festival. You will be excused 3rd and 4th block on Thursday and all day Friday from school. The first rehearsal starts at 3:00 pm on Thursday. As a reminder, make sure you are on time (10 minutes early) and attend every rehearsal/concert. The schedule with locations at the VBC can be found here: Audition results and additional instructions can be found here: Seniors! We would like to feature ALL seniors on social media over the next month. If you would like to be featured, please fill this form out: Make sure you are on top of returning all uniforms and equipment to the band room over the next month. Make sure all band dues are paid. Fine Arts Signing Day (This date may be changing due to an afternoon AP test involving many students) is scheduled for Friday, May 5th around 2:30 pm in the Auditorium. This is for any senior who has a post-high school plan to participate in the arts (College Marching Band, College Color Guard, Independent or college Indoor percussion/winter guard, college Concert band, college Jazz band, military bands). Parents should plan to attend. There will be a ceremony in the auditorium followed by a reception with cake/snacks. You will be excused from 4th block this day. We will have an official sign up for this event soon. Senior Showcase - Wednesday, May 10th. This special concert is open to small group and individual performances from our Seniors involved in all performing arts programs at Huntsville High. Sign up will be soon. We encourage you to participate. FUNDRAISING NEWS The bricks fundraiser is now live! To order yours go to These bricks will be professionally engraved and installed in the main courtyard at HHS. These tributes to your student will leave their mark on the grounds of HHS and is a great way to honor their years of hard work! End of Year Items - Instruments All students using a school-owned marching or concert instrument (except percussion) are required to take your instrument to Southeastern Musical Services (3308 9th Ave SW / 256-539-5906 - about 7 minutes from HHS) to have it looked at and basic repairs done to make sure it is in working order. You are welcome to use Gadsden Music as well, but they are less familiar with our process. The cost of any repairs should be paid for by your family. Marching band instruments are encouraged to be taken now (during the month of April). Concert instruments should be taken after your audition are complete in May or after the spring concert (if you are a senior). Seniors must have this done prior to walking at Graduation. The earlier you take it, the faster you get it back. The closer you get to summer, the more they get backed up with repairs! Once completed, bring your instrument back to to school and give the receipt to a director. London Connection! (updated 3/26) Remember, even if you plan to do concert band only, if you are planning to march the parade in London, you need to attend week 1 of band camp! Click here to see an updated list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). All information on the trip can be found in our google drive: Click here to access google drive - Parent Coordinator Our parent trip coordinator for London is Karen Hansberger. If you have specific questions about the trip as we get closer, she will be a great resource. She will also be helping collect rooming lists, passport copies, bus lists, shipping documents, and more. Her email is [email protected] Next Payment To be included in our travel count with the travel company, each traveler must have paid $1000 at this point. The next payment of $800 is due September 1, 2023. What do I need to do right now? 1. Get your passport now! It should be valid 6 months past our return date! There are major delays with passports - watch this recent news report 2. Investigate your best option for overseas phone possibilities. Each phone company has different options. You will need to have access to phone communication while you are in London! 3. Research and investigate your credit card and financial options. Each bank and card is different. Make sure your card won't lock you out when you get to London Upcoming Events Week of May 1-5 Concert Auditions in Class (after school for 8th graders) Thursday, May 4th - Percussion / Chamber Music Concert Friday, May 5th - Senior Fine Arts Signing Day (4th block). Monday, May 8 - Thursday, May 12 - leadership training for those interested in leadership team. 4-5 pm after school. Tuesday, May 9 - HJHS Band Concert (Auditorium) Thursday, May 11 - HCMS Band Concert (Auditorium) Wednesday, May 10 - Drum Major Auditions Friday, May 12 - Band Banquet at Stovehouse banquet hall (all band students and families invited) Thursday, May 25th - Graduation 5:30 pm VBC arena. All non-graduating Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble members are required to perform. Dress is business casual (no jeans, no t-shirts, no tennis/athletic shoes). Band Camp / Summer Schedule 2023 Tuesday, May 30 - Friday, June 2 Rookie Camp (new members only), Marching Percussion Placement Camp from 1-4, and Guard Camp 8-2 (percussion times edited 2/24; guard times added 4/20) July 6-8 - Leadership Camp (leadership team only) July 12-14 Make up rookie camp (new members only) and Marching Percussion Camp (8-12). (percussion times edited 2/24) July 17 - 21 Band Camp Week 1 - All Marching Band Students + any concert only students going to London that want to march in the parade. July 24-28 Band Camp Week 2 - All Marching Band Students July 31 and August 1 - Rehearsals before school starts. August 1- Marching Band pictures will be made from 2-4pm for the Football Media Guide and for family purchase. This is MANDATORY. August 2 - 1st day of school Student involved with marching band are required to attend these dates in full! Students who miss because of summer activities may be removed from the halftime show. We have worked hard over the past few years to improve our summer schedule to give a full break and options for camps and vacations. Our dead time this coming summer is June 3 - July 5 although some students have much longer than this! Things We LikeSchedule for the Week
Monday - Symphonic Band 4-5:30
Tuesday - Off Wednesday - Off. Thursday - Wind Ensemble 4:00-5:00 pm. Friday - Off. Reminder- Marching uniforms were due to be turned in March 31. If you have not turned yours in, please do so immediately. Washing instructions can be found in the newsletter from March 27-31, 2023. Please do not return bibbers, shoe, gloves, or socks. Spring Concert - Tuesday, April 25th The spring concert is coming up next Tuesday, April 25th at 7:00 pm in the HHS Auditorium. The concert is free and open to the public. You can share the concert with your family and friends on social media. 5:00 - 6:30 pm - Individual pictures in the lobby. ALL students must get their picture before 6:30 pm in their concert uniform. This is very important for our 22-23 composite photo as well as a chance to get a nice photo of your student. 6:30 pm - Symphonic Band on Stage / Wind Ensemble in Band room 7:00 pm - Concert 8:30 pm - Concert concludes Student Dress: Students will wear their formal concert uniforms (dresses/tuxes and all accessories). Percussion Ensemble and Chamber Concert This is one of our favorite concerts of the year! Students who want to sign up only have a few more days by filling out this form. We will also be inducting new members to the Tri-M Music Honor Society. The concert is Thursday, May 4th at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium. Seniors! We would like to feature ALL seniors on social media over the next month. If you would like to be featured, please fill this form out: Make sure your are on top of returning all uniforms and equipment to the band room over the next month. Make sure all band dues are paid. Fine Arts Signing Day is scheduled for Friday, May 5th around 2:30 pm in the Auditorium. This is for any senior who has a post-high school plan to participate in the arts (College Marching Band, College Color Guard, Independent or college Indoor percussion/winter guard, college Concert band, college Jazz band, military bands). Parents should plan to attend. There will be a ceremony in the auditorium followed by a reception with cake/snacks. You will be excused from 4th block this day. We will have an official sign up for this event soon. Color Guard Try Outs April 24-28 in the Freshman Cafeteria from 4-6 pm. If you know someone who might want to join us next year, encourage them to try out! FUNDRAISING NEWS The bricks fundraiser is now live! To order yours go to These bricks will be professionally engraved and installed in the main courtyard at HHS. These tributes to your student will leave their mark on the grounds of HHS and is a great way to honor their years of hard work! 2022-2023 HHS BAND COMPOSITE PICTURE Our Spring Concert is Tuesday April 25. We will be taking individual pictures for the composite before the concert. Details to come, but be ready 2 hours before the concert for this great opportunity! Much more information will be coming in next week's newsletter. We will be wearing concert uniforms for the composite picture. 2022-2023 Band Banquet The HHS Band salutes the 2022-2023 School Year with our "Night On the Red Carpet" Band Banquet. You won't want to miss this great event! Re-live great moments from the year and take a look back at how far we have come! We'll dig into the archive for some great highlights from the previous four years, and we will honor our seniors! This is a wonderful event, tickets go on sale next week! End of Year Items - Instruments All students using a school-owned marching or concert instrument (except percussion) are required to take your instrument to Southeastern Musical Services (3308 9th Ave SW / 256-539-5906 - about 7 minutes from HHS) to have it looked at and basic repairs done to make sure it is in working order. You are welcome to use Gadsden Music as well, but they are less familiar with our process. The cost of any repairs should be paid for by your family. Marching band instruments are encouraged to be taken now (during the month of April). Concert instruments should be taken after your audition are complete in May or after the spring concert (if you are a senior). Seniors must have this done prior to walking at Graduation. The earlier you take it, the faster you get it back. The closer you get to summer, the more they get backed up with repairs! Once completed, bring your instrument back to school and give the receipt to a director. London Connection! (updated 3/26) Remember, even if you plan to do concert band only, if you are planning to march the parade in London, you need to attend week 1 of band camp! Click here to see an updated list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). All information on the trip can be found in our google drive: Click here to access google drive - Parent Coordinator Our parent trip coordinator for London is Karen Hansberger. If you have specific questions about the trip as we get closer, she will be a great resource. She will also be helping collect rooming lists, passport copies, bus lists, shipping documents, and more. Her email is [email protected] Next Payment To be included in our travel count with the travel company, each traveler must have paid $1000 at this point. The next payment of $800 is due September 1, 2023. What do I need to do right now? 1. Get your passport now! It should be valid 6 months past our return date! 2. Investigate your best option for overseas phone possibilities. Each phone company has different options. You will need to have access to phone communication while you are in London! 3. Research and investigate your credit card and financial options. Each bank and card is different. Make sure your card won't lock you out when you get to London. Upcoming Events Week of April 24-28 - Color Guard Auditions 4-6 Tuesday, April 25th - Spring Concert. 7:00 pm Auditorium Thursday, April 27-Saturday, April 29th - All State Band (for those involved) Week of May 1-5 Concert Auditions in Class (after school for 9th graders) Thursday, May 4th - Percussion / Chamber Music Concert Friday, May 5th - Senior Fine Arts Signing Day (4th block). Monday, May 8 - Thursday, May 12 - leadership training for those interested in leadership team. 4-5 pm after school. Tuesday, May 9 - HJHS Band Concert (Auditorium) Thursday, May 11 - HCMS Band Concert (Auditorium) Wednesday, May 10 - Drum Major Auditions Friday, May 12 - Band Banquet at Stovehouse banquet hall (all band students and families invited) Thursday, May 25th - Graduation 5:30 pm VBC arena. All non-graduating Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble members are required to perform. Dress is business casual (no jeans, no t-shirts, no tennis/athletic shoes). Band Camp/ Summer Schedule 2023 April 24 - 28 Color Guard Auditions 4-6 Freshman Academy. Tuesday, May 30 - Friday, June 2 Rookie Camp (new members only), Marching Percussion Placement Camp from 1-4, and Guard Camp (percussion times edited 2/24) July 6-8 - Leadership Camp (leadership team only) July 12-14 Make up rookie camp (new members only) and Marching Percussion Camp (8-12). (percussion times edited 2/24) July 17 - 21 Band Camp Week 1 - All Marching Band Students + any concert only students going to London that want to march in the parade. July 24-28 Band Camp Week 2 - All Marching Band Students July 31 and August 1 - Rehearsals before school starts. August 1- Marching Band pictures will be made from 2-4pm for the Football Media Guide and for family purchase. This is MANDATORY. August 2 - 1st day of school Student involved with marching band are required to attend these dates in full! Students who miss because of summer activities may be removed from the halftime show. We have worked hard over the past few years to improve our summer schedule to give a full break and options for camps and vacations. Our dead time this coming summer is June 3 - July 5 although some students have much longer than this! Things We LikeSchedule for the week
Monday - Symphonic Band 4-5:30
Tuesday - Off (ACT Day for 11th grade. e-learning day for everyone else) Wednesday - Off. Thursday - Percussion Day at Austin HS (Percussion 4B class). Wind Ensemble 4:00-5:30 pm. Friday - Off REMINDER- Marching uniforms were due to be turned in March 31. If you have not turned yours in, please do so immediately. Washing instructions can be found in the newsletter from March 27-31, 2023. Please do not return bibbers, shoe, gloves, or socks. Percussion Day - Austin High School - Thursday, April 13th (4B Percussion Ensemble Class) Schedule 7:30 am - Band Room Open 7:45 am - All percussion in 4B class in Band Room. 8:00 am - Depart Huntsville High School to Austin High Performances and clinics all day. Lunch - Pizza (provided) 3:00 pm - Depart Austin HS 4:00 pm - Back at Huntsville High (Wind Ensemble has rehearsal) You are excused from class all day. What to wear? Wear your band polo and nice jeans (no holes). Austin HS is providing most of the equipment, but we may take some small things on the bus. FUNDRAISING NEWS The bricks fundraiser is now live! To order yours go to These bricks will be professionally engraved and installed in the main courtyard at HHS. These tributes to your student will leave their mark on the grounds of HHS and is a great way to honor their years of hard work! 2022-2023 HHS BAND COMPOSITE PICTURE Our Spring Concert is Tuesday April 25. We will be taking individual pictures for the composite before the concert. Details to come, but be ready 2 hours before the concert for this great opportunity! Much more information will be coming in next week's newsletter. We will be wearing concert uniforms for the composite picture. 2022-2023 Band Banquet The HHS Band salutes the 2022-2023 School Year with our "Night On the Red Carpet" Band Banquet. You won't want to miss this great event! Re-live great moments from the year and take a look back at how far we have come! We'll dig into the archive for some great highlights from the previous four years, and we will honor our seniors! This is a wonderful event, tickets go on sale next week! Seniors!!! We would like to feature ALL seniors on social media over the next month. If you would like to be featured, please fill this form out: Make sure you are on top of returning all uniforms and equipment to the band room over the next month. Make sure all band dues are paid. Fine Arts Signing Day is scheduled for Friday, May 5th around 2:30 pm in the Auditorium. This is for any senior who has a post-high school plan to participate in the arts (College Marching Band, College Color Guard, Independent or college Indoor percussion/winter guard, college Concert band, college Jazz band, military bands). Parents should plan to attend. There will be a ceremony in the auditorium followed by a reception with cake/snacks. You will be excused from 4th block this day. We will have an official sign up for this event soon. End of Year Items - Instruments All students using a school-owned marching or concert instrument (except percussion) are required to take your instrument to Southeastern Musical Services (3308 9th Ave SW / 256-539-5906 - about 7 minutes from HHS) to have it looked at and basic repairs done to make sure it is in working order. You are welcome to use Gadsden Music as well, but they are less familiar with our process. The cost of any repairs should be paid for by your family. Marching band instruments are encouraged to be taken now (during the month of April). Concert instruments should be taken after your audition are complete in May or after the spring concert (if you are a senior). Seniors must have this done prior to walking at Graduation. The earlier you take it, the faster you get it back. The closer you get to summer, the more they get backed up with repairs! Once completed, bring your instrument back to school and give the receipt to a director. London Connection! (updated 3/26) Remember, even if you plan to do concert band only, if you are planning to march the parade in London, you need to attend week 1 of band camp! Click here to see an updated list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). All information on the trip can be found in our google drive: Click here to access google drive - Parent Coordinator Our parent trip coordinator for London is Karen Hansberger. If you have specific questions about the trip as we get closer, she will be a great resource. She will also be helping collect rooming lists, passport copies, bus lists, shipping documents, and more. Her email is [email protected] Next Payment To be included in our travel count with the travel company, each traveler must have paid $1000 at this point. The next payment of $800 is due September 1, 2023. What do I need to do right now? 1. Get your passport now! It should be valid 6 months past our return date! The news just reported that the average wait time to get a new passport is 16 weeks and this will get worse over the next few weeks. 2. Investigate your best option for overseas phone possibilities. Each phone company has different options. You will need to have access to phone communication while you are in London! 3. Research and investigate your credit card and financial options. Each bank and card is different. Make sure your card won't lock you out when you get to London Wind Ensemble after school rehearsals We are going to transition to 1 after school rehearsal per week for Wind Ensemble. We will rehearse the following dates: Thursday, April 13th Thursday, April 20th. Upcoming Events Week of April 24-28 - Color Guard Auditions 4-6 Tuesday, April 25th - Spring Concert. 7:00 pm Auditorium Thursday, April 27-Saturday, April 29th - All State Band (for those involved) Week of May 1-5 Concert Auditions in Class (after school for 9th graders) Thursday, May 4th - Percussion / Chamber Music Concert Friday, May 5th - Senior Fine Arts Signing Day (4th block). Monday, May 8 - Thursday, May 12 - leadership training for those interested in leadership team. 4-5 pm after school. Tuesday, May 9 - HJHS Band Concert (Auditorium) Thursday, May 11 - HCMS Band Concert (Auditorium) Wednesday, May 10 - Drum Major Auditions Friday, May 12 - Band Banquet at Stovehouse banquet hall (all band students and families invited) Thursday, May 25th - Graduation 5:30 pm VBC arena. All non-graduating Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble members are required to perform. Dress is business casual (no jeans, no t-shirts, no tennis/athletic shoes). Band Camp / Summer Schedule 2023 April 24 - 28 Color Guard Auditions 4-6 Freshman Academy. Tuesday, May 30 - Friday, June 2 Rookie Camp (new members only), Marching Percussion Placement Camp from 1-4, and Guard Camp (percussion times edited 2/24) July 6-8 - Leadership Camp (leadership team only) July 12-14 Make up rookie camp (new members only) and Marching Percussion Camp (8-12). (percussion times edited 2/24) July 17 - 21 Band Camp Week 1 - All Marching Band Students + any concert only students going to London that want to march in the parade. July 24-28 Band Camp Week 2 - All Marching Band Students July 31 and August 1 - Rehearsals before school starts. August 2 - 1st day of school Student involved with marching band are required to attend these dates in full! Students who miss because of summer activities may be removed from the halftime show. We have worked hard over the past few years to improve our summer schedule to give a full break and options for camps and vacations. Our dead time this coming summer is June 3 - July 5 although some students have much longer than this! Things We LikeSchedule for the Week
Monday - Symphonic Band 4-5:30
Tuesday - Wind Ensemble 4-5:30 (No winter guard practice) Wednesday - Off. Thursday - Off Friday - E-learning Day. Last day of Sock Fundraiser! Final Fundraiser of the Year The crazy sock fundraiser is currently in progress. There will be a 60/40 split on this fundraiser with 60% going towards your individual account and 40% going to the band. As always, we appreciate your help to raise money for your account and the band! Encourage your student to load as many contacts as possible into their account and share it on text messages, email, and social media! The deadline is Friday, April 7th. FUNDRAISING NEWS The bricks fundraiser is now live! To order yours go to These bricks will be professionally engraved and installed in the main courtyard at HHS. These tributes to your student will leave their mark on the grounds of HHS and is a great way to honor their years of hard work! Also - we are in our final push for our Rock Your Socks Fundraiser. Please take part in this super easy, very fun fundraiser. See your student for details! 2022-2023 HHS BAND COMPOSITE PICTURE Our Spring Concert is Tuesday April 25. We will be taking individual pictures for the composite before the concert. Details to come, but be ready 2 hours before the concert for this great opportunity! Much more information will be coming in next week's newsletter. We will be wearing concert uniforms for the composite picture. 2022-2023 Band Banquet The HHS Band salutes the 2022-2023 School Year with our "Night On the Red Carpet" Band Banquet. You won't want to miss this great event! Re-live great moments from the year and take a look back at how far we have come! We'll dig into the archive for some great highlights from the previous four years, and we will honor our seniors! This is a wonderful event, tickets go on sale next week! Percussion Day - Austin High School - April 13th On Thursday, April 13th our percussion ensemble (4th block B Day class) will travel to Austin High School to perform at the North Alabama Percussion Festival. They will be excused from class (B Day). We will travel by school bus - departing around 8:00 am and returning around 4:30 pm. Pizza will be provided for lunch. A detailed schedule and information will be sent out the week of the performance. End of Year Items - Instruments All students using a school-owned marching or concert instrument (except percussion) are required to take your instrument to Southeastern Musical Services (3308 9th Ave SW / 256-539-5906 - about 7 minutes from HHS) to have it looked at and basic repairs done to make sure it is in working order. You are welcome to use Gadsden Music as well, but they are less familiar with our process. The cost of any repairs should be paid for by your family. Marching band instruments are encouraged to be taken now (during the month of April). Concert instruments should be taken after your audition are complete in May or after the spring concert (if you are a senior). Seniors must have this done prior to walking at Graduation. The earlier you take it, the faster you get it back. The closer you get to summer, the more they get backed up with repairs! Once completed, bring your instrument back to to school and give the receipt to a director. Winter Guard Information All competitions and after school practices have concluded. We will be focusing during class on fundamentals and learning new skills. All students are expected to participate in those activities during class. Auditions are coming up April 24-28 from 4-6 in the Freshman Cafeteria! London Connection! (updated 3/26) Remember, even if you plan to do concert band only, if you are planning to march the parade in London, you need to attend week 1 of band camp! Click here to see an updated list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). All information on the trip can be found in our google drive: Click here to access google drive - Parent Coordinator Our parent trip coordinator for London is Karen Hansberger. If you have specific questions about the trip as we get closer, she will be a great resource. She will also be helping collect rooming lists, passport copies, bus lists, shipping documents, and more. Her email is [email protected] Next Payment To be included in our travel count with the travel company, each traveler must have paid $1000 at this point. The next payment of $800 is due September 1, 2023. What do I need to do right now? 1. Get your passport now! It should be valid 6 months past our return date! 2. Investigate your best option for overseas phone possibilities. Each phone company has different options. You will need to have access to phone communication while you are in London! 3. Research and investigate your credit card and financial options. Each bank and card is different. Make sure your card won't lock you out when you get to London Wind Ensemble after school rehearsals We are going to transition to 1 after school rehearsal per week for Wind Ensemble. We will rehearse the following dates: Tuesday, April 4th Thursday, April 13th Thursday, April 20th. Upcoming Events Thursday, April 13th - Percussion Ensemble performance at North Alabama Percussion Festival Week of April 24-28 - Color Guard Auditions 4-6 Tuesday, April 25th - Spring Concert. 7:00 pm Auditorium Thursday, April 27-Saturday, April 29th - All State Band (for those involved) Week of May 1-5 Concert Auditions in Class (after school for 9th graders) Thursday, May 4th - Percussion / Chamber Music Concert Friday, May 5th - Senior Fine Arts Signing Day (4th block). Monday, May 8 - Thursday, May 12 - leadership training for those interested in leadership team. 4-5 pm after school. Tuesday, May 9 - HJHS Band Concert (Auditorium) Thursday, May 11 - HCMS Band Concert (Auditorium) Wednesday, May 10 - Drum Major Auditions Friday, May 12 - Band Banquet at Stovehouse banquet hall (all band students and families invited) Thursday, May 25th - Graduation 5:30 pm VBC arena. All non-graduating Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble members are required to perform. Dress is business casual (no jeans, no t-shirts, no tennis/athletic shoes). Band Camp / Summer Schedule 2023 April 24 - 28 Color Guard Auditions 4-6 Freshman Academy. Tuesday, May 30 - Friday, June 2 Rookie Camp (new members only), Marching Percussion Placement Camp from 1-4, and Guard Camp (percussion times edited 2/24) July 6-8 - Leadership Camp (leadership team only) July 12-14 Make up rookie camp (new members only) and Marching Percussion Camp (8-12). (percussion times edited 2/24) July 17 - 21 Band Camp Week 1 - All Marching Band Students + any concert only students going to London that want to march in the parade. July 24-28 Band Camp Week 2 - All Marching Band Students July 31 and August 1 - Rehearsals before school starts. August 2 - 1st day of school Student involved with marching band are required to attend these dates in full! Students who miss because of summer activities may be removed from the halftime show. We have worked hard over the past few years to improve our summer schedule to give a full break and options for camps and vacations. Our dead time this coming summer is June 3 - July 5 although some students have much longer than this! â |
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